Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Where does our healing lay?   So many of us run around
spinning in circles, juggling our plates, because we cannot
bare to feel the pain hidden and lodged in our hearts.  Many
of us, have a wall so thick to separate us from our pain, because
on a sub-conscious level, we really believe we cannot handle any
more pain.    The only One who can heal this deep seated trauma
that has clung to our very fiber, is the lover of our souls.   Yeshua
(Jesus) our Lord and Savior.    It needs to be uprooted, and cast out
with the Father.  Today, my wonderful imagination that God has
created me with, has helped me "see" that bulldozer coming with
the Father to demolish that concrete wall, that said, "I am not loved."
I asked the Father to destroy it.   So there I was standing vunerable with
my heart open to receive God's love.    I had to ask Him to help me. 
I then realized, I had not loved myself.    I had to then embrace the little
child who was so devastated.  I told her I will never leave her again. 
I will never abandon her or her feelings, and that her feelings matter.
After having a very special and intimate time with God, and forgiving
those I needed to forgive, I realize the only way to complete healing
is to sit before the Father, and be absolutely honest and open with what
is really in my heart.  He cares.   The truth of the matter is, until we get to
this place of truth about what is in our hearts, and God can show us, as
we come to Him without any facades,  we are living in denial, and how
much we can help or be merciful to others is extremely limited.   The
point is, we need to integrate our damaged traumatized little person inside
of us with the adult who is functioning today.   For me, my adult needed
to embrace my little girl inside, and tell her that I will always love her, and
care for her, and be a good parent to her.   Until we get real with the Father,
we cannot advance in our lives and help anyone else.   There is nothing
to big for our Dad to do, no concrete wall that cannot be penetrated.  He
is the maker of the Universe, and He can do all things, but He is truly
waiting for us to invite Him in to bring about divine healing in our hearts. 
He can be trusted, and He is the final authority on all things.  He is the lover
of our souls, and He has always loved us, is loving us now, and continues
to love us forever! 


Do we have people in our lives that we can be completely
vunerable with?    Or are we still trying to appear as if we have
it all together?   Funnily, in God's world,  it's only when we
wholeheartedly admit that we are nothing without HIm, do we
become empowered and strengthened from the inside out! 
The famous Rabbi Saul of Tarus, later to become the greatest
apostle Paul, said, "In my weakness, I am made strong, through
the strength of my Savior Yeshua."   It is only when we admit
we posess no strength in our own human nature, that the power
of God can invade our temple (our bodies), and do great exploits. 
Of course we can run ahead and act in our own "perceived" strength,
but we will soon find out it is futile.  Running ahead without God
is very dangerous.  Many of us have suffered great consequences from
making choices outside of His will, in our impulsiveness and hastiness.
It's never worth it.  The repercussions are too great. Not only that,
when we come out from His covering, we have given our enemy the
legal right to torment us, abuse us, bring infirmity upon us, and even use
us to harm others.   There is no safe place, outside the will of God for
our lives.    "Choose ye this day, whom you will serve?"  Yeshua (Jesus)
declares, "If you're not with me, you're against me", and "Either you're
serving God, or you're serving the devil."   Who are you serving today? 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pick up your tent pegs!

Tent pegs in their very structure, were only meant to be
for temporary purposes.  If we overstay our welcome,
we surely shall find our conflict to battle.  Once we dig
our heels in with our pegs, it's so much harder to extract
ourselves from familiar surroundings.   Don't we want to attach
ourselves to a space that we can call home?    But then
Yeshua (Jesus) tells us in a matter of terms, we are only passing
through.  We cannot take anything with us.  Oh, how my human
heart longs to attach itself to a home, yet I know I am only
passing through.  My mansion is waiting for me in heaven! 

Lord, please help me to move when you say, "move", and
stay when you say, "stay".   Please help me to be on your timetable,
and follow your every lead.  I don't want to lag behind, or run ahead.
Your peace will lead me "home".   A wise women said, "hold the
things of this world lightly", and I add, hold the things of heaven
tightly.   After all, that's where I'll be for eternity.   How about you? 
Where is your treasure?   Who holds the key to your heart?  
Who has your affections?  Where are your thoughts taken up? 

There is only One who can satisfy our thirsty souls.
He wants all of us.   Not just one part of us, or one area
in our lives.  He wants it all.  He wants to come and sup with us.
Will you trust Him for your future?   For your provision?  
Who is your destiny?   Where will you spend eternity?  
Is God pleased with your life?  Will He say to you, "Well done
my good and faithful servant?"    Selah.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Continually dying to self, "iron sharpens iron,
as a friend sharpens the other's countenance!" 
However, it's not always a friend, (a pleasant relationship),
yet this consistent opportunity to overcome our flesh,
is an ongoing experience for us here in God's Land. 

How easy it is to look at the other's person's "issues",
and be completely blind to our own.  This inherent
blameshifting is in every inidividual, beginning in the
Garden of Eden.    No one likes to look at his wrongs.

God loves us so much, that He wants us to move forward,
and be transformed into the image of His Son. 
This grape crushing process is painful, and horrific at times,
yet He continues to tell us, He is taking us from Glory to Glory!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

In your bosom

You continue to bring me to a place of dissapointment
and brokenness.  You have all of my affections, and my
only hope is in You.   I am reminded that You are the only
One who can comfort me, heal me, and make me whole. 

Standing in the crucible, being refined in your Holy Fire,
the next level of faith in this Land of Yours.  
Dying to self, and being transformed into your very image,
is by no means a holiday, nor a walk for the faint hearted.

"Sprinkle me with oregano, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow,
let me hear the sound of joy and gladness,
so that the bones you crushed can rejoice."

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Solid ground

Today's word is the criticalness of knowing who I am
in Messiah, and not to be reliant on others to continually
point the way with the affirmation of this identity in Him.
This is where I am at in my life today. 
As the end of days approaches, I must be secure in who I am
in Him, so that I will not be shaken or moved by anything
that comes at me!   We need to be standing on solid ground,
and that is in Messiah Yeshua, Abba, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh,
the Holy Spirit of God.  

God states clearly in the Tenach, (Hebrew Scriptures), and
the Brit Hadashah, (New Covenant), that He fights for His own,
those who have put their trust in Him.  He is their defense, their
stronghold and fortress.  But those who oppose Him He will destroy.
Therefore, He says, He will fight off our enemies, it is His fight. 
We must stand firm in Him, unwavering.    No matter, what comes
our way, We musn't fear, or shrink back, or fall into shame of being
identified with Him.   He has already warned us, that the world will
hate us because we call upon Him, Yeshua, the lamb of God, the One
who payed it all, who cancelled all our debts, so that we might be Free! 

Come Lord Yeshua!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Father's Love

Wash me in Your sea of love,
saturate me in your river,
envelope me till I am consumed
by Your love.

All must stop now, for your love
is my grounding.   It is my security,
my hope, my safe place to rest.
You are my stronghold.

Help me to open my heart, that was shut
so long ago.   Please forgive me saying, "No"
to you then.  To becoming rebellious, defiant,
and independent.  Untrusting, self-sufficient, and
slowly dying. 

I must stop running, doing, working, achieving.
I must rest in your love, allow your arms to hold me
tight, while you breathe your breath of life into me. 
I shall be made new again, but this time, with Abba's
embrace encompassing me! 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


The Joy of being exactly who Adonai has created you to be! 
There is only one You that will ever be!
The greatest delight for Adonai is honoring Him by fulfilling this call.
He has said to us, "We are altogether lovely!"
The psalmist King David said to Adonai, "Hide me as you would the pupil
in your eye".   We are His glory, and His most precious creation!
Let's honor Him, and be all that He has created each one of us to be,
for there will never be another You, nor me!   Selah.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Wars against our souls, enemy trying desperately
to keep us in bondage of things of old.  Familiar ties,
oppression, intimidation, fear, he always goes for the
jugglier.  It's clear he is jealous of our destinies, that
he will never have for himself, in the light, but only
eternal darkness, a burning lake of fire, Adonai says. 

His weapons are fierce, because he plays on our very fiber,
those things we desperately need to cut off from what we
believed to be our very nature.  Rightly so, but our Adamic nature,
not the new life in Messiah Yeshua.   The lie of the enemy,
is that he wants us to believe this sinful nature is who we are,
cancelling out the reality of what Yeshua did for us at Calvary.
We died to that old man in Messiah Yeshua, and have been
risen with Yeshua from the dead, one new man!

The battle continues fighting for our freedom, severing all soul ties,
ungodly beliefs and attitudes, that have kept us bound.   These things
are a magnet to the pit of hell, our enemy the Word says, "Prowls around
like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."  If we think the devil
is not real, we are demolished from the start.  However, in Yeshua, we
have all authority in heaven and earth to send the enemy reeling to the
footstool of our Lord and Saviour, Yeshua of Nazareth, where he will be
judged and reassigned.  Yeshua is Ha Adon, The Lord.
The Only true and living God, all others are fakes!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Radiant with Joy

The Life is in You Lord,
there is no other place.
Being rooted and grounded in You,
is the only life there is.
There is no other life apart from You.

Those who have been in the
presence of the Lord have
surrendered their will, and  have
clothed themselves in His righteousness
and in His humility.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Yeshua, Yeshua, my Savior and Lord,
thank you that today, you have made all
things new!  I don't have to walk in the muck
of the past, but only towards my divine future,
tailored by Abba, my heavenly daddy.

You are freeing me day by day, so that I
can be a light in my stratesphere, and bring
many to the saving knowledge of Yeshua! 
You are the only true and living God, the only
One who can save, restore, heal, and mend.
There is none other!

I walk towards the light, towards my future,
not towards my past.  You are my destiny,
there is none other.  You have many things
for me to do, and I worship You Yeshua! 
I thank you that you layed down your very
life for my life in God, forever, and ever, and ever.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Juggling Act

Spinning my plates, how fast can I go?
Trying to find a landing, but puddle jumping still.
Is it the spirits residing over this city to distract
and keep one from a successul straight line?
One thing is certain, life is far from humdrum!
Good friends are indispensible.  Without
this heavenly connection, we could do nothing
but remain in our stuckness.  You feel as if you
are sinking, or glued in time, and cannot move forward.
The faithfulness of the Lord is tryed and true. 
He brings His love through His heavenly vessels to help
repair all the brokeness of our lives.   Should we let this
divine love in, we shall be changed still.  I am forever
amazed at His undying love for me!  He took it all on Himself,
so that I might be One with the Father, and Himself, and His Spirit.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bare Bones

We all have problems,
which ones can YOU tolerate?
There comes a time when
we all have to face the facts,
and accept this reality about
ourselves and all others.
We need to live on earth, and
make sure our feet are touching the ground.
The greatest challenge is learning how to live
with others on this planet, and allowing the Almighty
do to His most perfect work in us.  Our part is to be the clay
in our Potter's hands, doing with us what He sees fit.
He's the One to call the shots, should we give Him this permission
in our lives.   "But for the grace of G-d, go I".

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Last Frontier

Certainly inspiration rises up like the dawn,
creating continously in this sun-scorched land.
It needs rain, like the body needs oxygen.

Everything is brought to the surface,
rapidly, to deal with, to repent,
to deepen our respective walks with Adonai.

The energy within this city forces eveything
that is dirty within us to billow up, spill over,
then we are re-filled with Adonai's cleanliness,
purity, taking on His very nature.

We cannot put new wine into old wineskins,
or they will burst.  He is faithful to see us to the end,
bringing us divine appointments to help us continually
fan the flame for Him, and to finish the race He has
set before us.   Selah.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


If we don't listen to the leading of the Beloved
there is a great price to pay. 
Much time has been wasted, many drama's,
numerous heartbreaks, and millions of pieces
to have to pick up again. 
Nothing is ever wasted on this journey of
becoming more like Him, but the times are short
and more intense as we draw nearer to His coming.
If we don't take the time to stop and listen to the
voice of the Bridegroom, we could easily miss it. 
We are then set out on a wrong path, down a road of despair,
and we cannot blame G-d, for we are simply reaping
the fruit of our choices.  Who are we serving anyway? 
Are we living for Him, or for our selfish nature? 
The whole life decision is based on this:  Who will I serve,
Adonai (G-d), or my self?   The sinful nature is in partnership
with the evil inclination, ha satan, as the Tenach states.
he is always looking for an inroad in our lives, in our behaviours,
to manifest his ugly presence through us.  his biggest lie is to tell
us that we come first, "look out for number one".  G-d comes first,
and in putting Him in His proper place in our lives, we will naturally
rejoice because He is in the center of our hearts, and this is a natural
overflow of His life breathing through us.  One cannot help but be joyful
when G-ds spirit infills us.  I don't ever want to be
separated from G-d.  This is exactly where the devil wants me.
Unprotected, alienated, living for myself and my own gratification.
The devil says, "you don't need G-d, you can be G-d, don't you want
to be happy, do what you like, make your own happiness."  Hogwash!
To be happy is to live for G-d, to make Him the center of your life, and
His life will naturally flow through yours.  To have G-d as your foundation
on which your life rests, is to be empowered, influential, and a pure source
of His love.   G-d is the ultimate love source, and He continues to fill
our vessels, as we keep them open to Him.   Adonai spoke through His prophet
Isaiah and told the people that if they would come to Him for drink, they
would never be thirsty again.  Yeshua when He walked the earth said the same,
and added that whoever would drink from him, rivers of living waters would
flow from him continuously.  Do we want to drink from the Spring of Life?


The Spice of Life!  REST.
Sleep is so underated,
yet after a refreshing sleep,
there appears a whole new perspective
on life.  Renewed energy, positive outlook,
and a vision of being able to "give" again.

There comes a time in every women's life,
when there is a turning point, everything shifts,
and life begins again.  This adjustment can be like
getting hit by a tractor trailer, but once recovered,
we can enter the next season of our lives with grace
and a renewed confidence in who we are!

To be able to love and accept our loved one's counsel,
and not take offense or be put off is part of this growth.
Can we love others as Adonai loves them? 
This is the perspective we must aspire to. 
Can we bless others, even when they feel we should act differently?
Can we remain loving, kind, compassionate, merciful, accepting, and
generous of heart? 
Can we be all that Adonai has meant for us to be, and release others to
His care? 
Can we hold the things of this world lightly, knowing this is not our final
destination?  Can we continue to give out His love, over and over again?
This is the message of the Cross.  Let's pray for one another to walk as He did. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Promised Land

Nose to the ground,
forced to face feelings
I'd rather not.
Pressure cooker smokin',
left stripped naked at
the cross, no where to look
but up.  Earth has nothing to
offer that will remain, touching
heaven through worship,
standing alone face to face,
dying to self, preparing the way,
last days, all His roads lead to worship,
survival of the fittest!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Owning up

What is our part in each encounter?
We literally are so blind to our own behaviour,
it's baffling to me.  Why does it take years to see
what we have accused others of, is exactly the behaviour
we have participated in?  We are so blinded to ourselves.
How it amazes me.  This is a phenomina to me. 
The positive thing is that some never see themselves,
and therefore, never change their ways.  For this I am greatful,
to come to the awareness of my part, and my behaviour, to
make amends going forward.  Selah.

Bouquet (written to me eleven years ago)

Rosebuds and Babybreath
Caress a Bouquet
Of Full White Roses
Carried to Vows Spoken
From Hearts on the Beach.

Covenant Words of Spirit and Life
Lingering like the fog Settling in
and wrapping commitment
in Time Eternal,
From a Sandy Expanse
To a Champagne Toast.

Quiet (poems from the past)

How hard it is to listen to oneself,
in the quiet.
The ocean breeze envelops me,
and I remember to ...breathe...
Desiring the warmth of the sun
to bring my soul to another realm.
Resting, being, appreciating.
Thank you G-d!

Forgone (poems from the past)

Please help me out of this sinking hole,
I've passed the time, and it's not my hole!
My recovery passes before my eyes,
I see my growth and I'm mystified.
No longer willing to go back in time,
into obsession, compulsion, and insanity
of mind. This twas indeed a self-inflicted crime.

Put down, put down, put down those thoughts.
Leave it there like a flattened out moth.
Live in today, the past is gone.
No more stealing from my years,
I am free today, and delivered from all my fears.

Next (poems from the past)

A simple massage filled with love,
intoxicating fragrance, nourishing
and nuturing my women.
Love expressed to my soul.
My hands full of thick satan cream
embracing my feet.  Signals my insides
that I am loved and fully able to meet my
own personal needs.  I am in control of me,
replenished and serene, as I return to center.
No more fears of being exposed to and vunerable
to an unavailable man.  Next.....


You said "yes" from the start,
with a boylike spirit.
You poured yourself out,
with no thought to a limit.
You showered me with flowers,
the cream of the crop,
always willing to give,
and never wanting to stop.

I loved you, I did, the best I was able,
in light of my cirumstances,
we couldn't be stable.
I continued to nuture our friendship
through the phone, but in spite of
my attempts, our communication broke.

The hurt and dissapointment I felt with you
not there, caused me once again to have great fear of a man
saying "he loved me", and eventually would dissapear.

Recovering Joy (poems from the past)

I've spent my life running from it all,
now I'm writing about it all.
Major change has taken place.
Unexplainable.  Willingness to embrace
the past and look at it square in the eye.
To see it for all that it was, and now is.
Transformation has occured, my freedom
has arrived and I am recovering joy!

Fear is what held me in prison,
as if my past could still harm me.
I now fully understand, that it is over,
and I am recovering remnants of joy.

New Life (poems from the past)

Truth is peeking through, coming into fullness.
Joy bubbling from deep within, smothering the darkness
and lies of early childhood.

I am a joyful being created in the image of G-d. 
Freedom has arrived, as I embrace my new life.
I am open to the world and say "yes" to possibilities.

The energy is released from the bondages of the past,
my insides screaming for joy. 
Creativity unleased, gratitude is pouring out.
The world is indeed my oyster.


Impressions, shooting thoughts,
memories, integration.

Listening to healing words,
miraculous happenings.
The responsibility to live,
is G-d's gift to me.

Reclaiming my life,
the joy of freedom,
fully surrendered,
at the feet of Adonai.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Parched dry land,
waiting for the next bit of manna.
Wandering in the desert,
holding on with all that I am.

Survival, from day to day.
Keeping my worship before me.
He said, He would care for all my problems.
Contending for my Peace daily.

I was made for His Glory,
He takes pleasure in delighting me.
Learning to love myself,
as I'm called to love my neighbor.

Putting words to the suppressed emmotions,
keeping connected to my person,
the one He made to effect change,
in the world around me.

Touching my past generationally,
uncovering what He had for me,
what was mine from the beginning,
only now do I find these ancient paths.

By faith, I walk out my future here,
not knowing what is before me.
His purposes and plan unfolds itself
as I join in to His journey for me.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


"No amount of water can quench the fires of love, torrents cannot drown it.  If someone gave all the wealth in his house for love, he would gain only utter contempt."
Learning to live with this aching of love deep in your soul, that is never satisfied, is a hell in itself.  The lover in Shir Ha Shurim, (Songs of Songs), says, "love is as strong as death, passion as cruel as Sh'ol (hell); it's flashes are flashes of fire, {as fierce as the} flame of Yah, (God).   Unrequited love is a pain that never leaves you.  We only learn how to live with this reality. I have found that desperately "trying" to "make it go away" is useless, it is what it is.  But, oh, the creations that come forth.  This wonderful creative energy that comes from it, can in some way make it all worth it.  (Not really)    The hope is that we can transform this love into an energy to create masterpieces for God.  He is One who gives us the capability to love in such a fierce way, because He first loved us.   When I love, I am reminded that I am ALIVE!   Love gives us a reason to live.  All things are born out of Love, just as all things die out of hatred.  One creates and one destroys.  We never know the impact we have had on someone's life, by being completely honest and real in who we are.   Although some cannot tell us how we've effected them, we can trust that our presence in someone's life is not by chance.  It is divinely set up by God for His purposes which He takes glory from.  We cannot possibly see from God's literal point of view, but we can have confidence that all is for His divine intent.  We all play a part, unbeknowest to us.  Each one of us resounds in His majestic universe, bringing forth His beauty and His character.  Simply put, when each one of us is true to who He has made us to be, we are fulfilling His plan for this Universe, for no one else could ever be who we are!  Therefore, it is each of our responsibilites to live the life He has set out before us, faithfully being true to how He has fashioned us, and in this way, He will take glory from our lives, and we will be filled with His Joy because we are walking in the "fullness" of our divine destinies.  Selah!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Swinging transitions, shifting shadows,
two extremes, neither resembling each other. 
The challenge remains,
to live a life of spiritual disciplines.

The high of walking in the fullness,
complete freedom through absolute abandon.
Encountering so many faces and personalities,
to down time in my feminine cave.

Always baffled at the highs and lows,
diffcult to accept the realities of change.
Rest is an essential part of movement,
it cannot happen without the stillness.

God, what is it that you are getting at?
What do you want to draw out of me?
What do you want to die at your tree of suffering?
You desperately want me to know your incredible love for me!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Nothing can compare with the lessons we learn on our respective journeys. 
A good one can really stick, and can save our lives.  But, oh, how painful they are going through them.  The more painful, the greater the lesson I believe.   I wish there was another way to learn.  But when we truly go through the fire, we are changed deep within, and then we become an authority through our deliverance.  We then get the awesome privilege of helping others on their journey, and speaking into their lives.  Our G-d is an awesome G-d.  He will never leave us nor forsake us, and He ALWAYS has our best interest at heart.  He's Daddy G-d, and crys when when we cry.  He hurts when we hurt.  He rejoices when we rejoice.  He wants to spend time with us.  He wants to dance with us, play with us, speak with us.  He is waiting at the door of your heart, knocking, and patiently waiting for you to let Him in and take up His Holy Throne in your life.  Will you respond?  Will you allow Him to take control of your life, and lead you beside still waters, and speak tenderly to your heart?  Will you allow him to bring peace to your soul?  He is the everlasting G-d, the One and Only, the true G-d, who will always love you, forever and ever and ever, amen!

Friday, October 7, 2011


Drive out the fear!  It binds up every good work prompted by creativity from the Master.  "The mind is a dangerous neighborhood, gon't go there alone!"  What voices are you listening to?  The onslaughts are intense, and truly I am in the valley.  The Kingdom of darkness is not happy, and certainly does not give up without a fight.  In fact, the major artilery has been drawn, but God has the last laugh, and will conquer all of His enemies!  As we approach this day of reflection, what is it that God wants to say in your life to your inner man?  Are you listening?  The devil's major plan is to prevent you from slowing down to hear the voice of the Master.  Once we stop and rest in Him, peace like a river envelops us, and we are transformed in His presence.  Here, in my world of challenges, He allows His devil to test me, in order to refine me to be more like Him.  He lets me come to the end of myself, finally bursting into tears and crying out to the only One who can ever save me.  I am truly in the furnace, how about you? 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


There comes a time in our lives when we have to deal with issue of perfectionism.   No matter what the scenerio, time, place, or even generation, we are faced with our expectations, and how they do or don't line up with our present reality.   It's a painful process.  Some sneer us, because we are "just" people, and want to fight for our principles, while they have already accepted "the way things are".   We catch the raised eyebrows, the twisted mouths, that judgemental thought of us, that says, "we expect too much, c'mon!"  I personally am a principle person, and it's not easy for me to let go of things, when I just don't agree.   Quite frankly, I'm tired of feeling like I'm someone's pain in their backside because I "expect" things to be done properly and appropriately.    I'm tired of not being treated like I'm important as a human being, and I should just expect something that is absolutely unacceptable!    How much more do we need our sleep, our rest, and healthy eating, to stand up to this nonsense, not backing down so others will think "better" of us, or be more "comfortable" around us, as if we should act like they do.  I know forgiveness is 'key', but what are the lessons to be learned here?   Stay strong, stay rooted in G-d, continue to be transformed by the washing of the Word for the renewal of the mind, and continue loving, always!  Selah.

The Thief

He comes in subtleties, slowly, but surely, he builds his case. 
I have disovered that the only safe place is in the arms of my Savior. 
We're in a war, and I must submit my entire being to the One who can save me.
As I move closer to my destiny, the battle has become more and more fierce.
No matter what happens to me, it all leads me to the same place, His footstool. 
He is faithful and just to hide me under the shadow of His wings, while the storm
rages against me.  I know it is no coincidence that I live where I do, and my growth is rapid and expedient.  He is preparing me for His coming, without spot or wrinkle, as an unblemished bride.  Bring it on Lord, I can't go the way I am.  I love you! 

Sunday, October 2, 2011


"The heart is deceitful above all else", is a proverb that must be noted. 
As we reflect on our lives, we need to take notice of how our hearts sprout wings
and take off, and sometimes, leave our heads behind.   However, the only journey to
travel is our own.  There are no shortcuts.  Isn't this where the lessons are learned? 
During these journeys of exploration, we also discover the limitations of our friends, and learn to extend them grace and mercy and forgiveness above of all.  We're on all the same planet, (atleast on this side of the world), and so, we continue on, releasing and loving our friends where they are.  I am convinced that the message is Love period, nothing added, nothing taken away.  Selah. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011


The secret things of the heart are a treasure. 
Do we know how to value this in others?
Each time we share our jewels with another,
do they recognize the trust we have granted them?
We've honored them and extended the privilege to them
of coming on our life journey.  
The hidden things of the heart is what keeps us alive!  


My friend

Rolling and rolling, turning and spinning,
richocheting off every corner. 
Which way is up? 

Four walls closing in, where is the answer?
Return to the ancient paths, and to those
who have lived longer.  Wisdom is found
in the one's we greatly admire.

Churning and tossing, struggling for the
next breath,  finally tears come, and I
breathe again. 

Do I step forward and jump into what may be
a huge divide without a parachoot? 
He will always be there for me, but I dread
having to pick up the pieces once again.

Is it possible to live "Just for today?"
He said, "take no thought for tomorrow",
but how can I do that, knowing I may be off
the tracks?

I wait for divine guidance to lead me straight,
knowing that peace is of the utmost importance, and as
always, is my reliable barometer in choosing which path to take.

Don't ever leave me Lord, stay close, as I listen for your voice,
help me to walk out your perfect will for my life.  Selah.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Waves of Passion

Billowing passion of life waves through my heart,
breaking me over and over again.

Wasn't it His journey too?
The Father said He was 100% man,
identifying with me in all of my experiences.

Oh Son of God, will you carry me through?
I realize it's not about "pushing" my emotions away,
but bringing you into them, and exposing my heart completely
to you.

It is then, that You will do your most perfect work in me,
for it is only the broken who will see Your Glory,
as we identify with your sufferings,
and walk hand and hand with You.

Savior, redeemer, lover and friend,
come to me and marry me, and may our Oneness never end.