Thursday, October 13, 2011


"No amount of water can quench the fires of love, torrents cannot drown it.  If someone gave all the wealth in his house for love, he would gain only utter contempt."
Learning to live with this aching of love deep in your soul, that is never satisfied, is a hell in itself.  The lover in Shir Ha Shurim, (Songs of Songs), says, "love is as strong as death, passion as cruel as Sh'ol (hell); it's flashes are flashes of fire, {as fierce as the} flame of Yah, (God).   Unrequited love is a pain that never leaves you.  We only learn how to live with this reality. I have found that desperately "trying" to "make it go away" is useless, it is what it is.  But, oh, the creations that come forth.  This wonderful creative energy that comes from it, can in some way make it all worth it.  (Not really)    The hope is that we can transform this love into an energy to create masterpieces for God.  He is One who gives us the capability to love in such a fierce way, because He first loved us.   When I love, I am reminded that I am ALIVE!   Love gives us a reason to live.  All things are born out of Love, just as all things die out of hatred.  One creates and one destroys.  We never know the impact we have had on someone's life, by being completely honest and real in who we are.   Although some cannot tell us how we've effected them, we can trust that our presence in someone's life is not by chance.  It is divinely set up by God for His purposes which He takes glory from.  We cannot possibly see from God's literal point of view, but we can have confidence that all is for His divine intent.  We all play a part, unbeknowest to us.  Each one of us resounds in His majestic universe, bringing forth His beauty and His character.  Simply put, when each one of us is true to who He has made us to be, we are fulfilling His plan for this Universe, for no one else could ever be who we are!  Therefore, it is each of our responsibilites to live the life He has set out before us, faithfully being true to how He has fashioned us, and in this way, He will take glory from our lives, and we will be filled with His Joy because we are walking in the "fullness" of our divine destinies.  Selah!

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