Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Thief

He comes in subtleties, slowly, but surely, he builds his case. 
I have disovered that the only safe place is in the arms of my Savior. 
We're in a war, and I must submit my entire being to the One who can save me.
As I move closer to my destiny, the battle has become more and more fierce.
No matter what happens to me, it all leads me to the same place, His footstool. 
He is faithful and just to hide me under the shadow of His wings, while the storm
rages against me.  I know it is no coincidence that I live where I do, and my growth is rapid and expedient.  He is preparing me for His coming, without spot or wrinkle, as an unblemished bride.  Bring it on Lord, I can't go the way I am.  I love you! 

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