Saturday, October 22, 2011


If we don't listen to the leading of the Beloved
there is a great price to pay. 
Much time has been wasted, many drama's,
numerous heartbreaks, and millions of pieces
to have to pick up again. 
Nothing is ever wasted on this journey of
becoming more like Him, but the times are short
and more intense as we draw nearer to His coming.
If we don't take the time to stop and listen to the
voice of the Bridegroom, we could easily miss it. 
We are then set out on a wrong path, down a road of despair,
and we cannot blame G-d, for we are simply reaping
the fruit of our choices.  Who are we serving anyway? 
Are we living for Him, or for our selfish nature? 
The whole life decision is based on this:  Who will I serve,
Adonai (G-d), or my self?   The sinful nature is in partnership
with the evil inclination, ha satan, as the Tenach states.
he is always looking for an inroad in our lives, in our behaviours,
to manifest his ugly presence through us.  his biggest lie is to tell
us that we come first, "look out for number one".  G-d comes first,
and in putting Him in His proper place in our lives, we will naturally
rejoice because He is in the center of our hearts, and this is a natural
overflow of His life breathing through us.  One cannot help but be joyful
when G-ds spirit infills us.  I don't ever want to be
separated from G-d.  This is exactly where the devil wants me.
Unprotected, alienated, living for myself and my own gratification.
The devil says, "you don't need G-d, you can be G-d, don't you want
to be happy, do what you like, make your own happiness."  Hogwash!
To be happy is to live for G-d, to make Him the center of your life, and
His life will naturally flow through yours.  To have G-d as your foundation
on which your life rests, is to be empowered, influential, and a pure source
of His love.   G-d is the ultimate love source, and He continues to fill
our vessels, as we keep them open to Him.   Adonai spoke through His prophet
Isaiah and told the people that if they would come to Him for drink, they
would never be thirsty again.  Yeshua when He walked the earth said the same,
and added that whoever would drink from him, rivers of living waters would
flow from him continuously.  Do we want to drink from the Spring of Life?

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