Saturday, October 22, 2011


The Spice of Life!  REST.
Sleep is so underated,
yet after a refreshing sleep,
there appears a whole new perspective
on life.  Renewed energy, positive outlook,
and a vision of being able to "give" again.

There comes a time in every women's life,
when there is a turning point, everything shifts,
and life begins again.  This adjustment can be like
getting hit by a tractor trailer, but once recovered,
we can enter the next season of our lives with grace
and a renewed confidence in who we are!

To be able to love and accept our loved one's counsel,
and not take offense or be put off is part of this growth.
Can we love others as Adonai loves them? 
This is the perspective we must aspire to. 
Can we bless others, even when they feel we should act differently?
Can we remain loving, kind, compassionate, merciful, accepting, and
generous of heart? 
Can we be all that Adonai has meant for us to be, and release others to
His care? 
Can we hold the things of this world lightly, knowing this is not our final
destination?  Can we continue to give out His love, over and over again?
This is the message of the Cross.  Let's pray for one another to walk as He did. 

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