Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pick up your tent pegs!

Tent pegs in their very structure, were only meant to be
for temporary purposes.  If we overstay our welcome,
we surely shall find our conflict to battle.  Once we dig
our heels in with our pegs, it's so much harder to extract
ourselves from familiar surroundings.   Don't we want to attach
ourselves to a space that we can call home?    But then
Yeshua (Jesus) tells us in a matter of terms, we are only passing
through.  We cannot take anything with us.  Oh, how my human
heart longs to attach itself to a home, yet I know I am only
passing through.  My mansion is waiting for me in heaven! 

Lord, please help me to move when you say, "move", and
stay when you say, "stay".   Please help me to be on your timetable,
and follow your every lead.  I don't want to lag behind, or run ahead.
Your peace will lead me "home".   A wise women said, "hold the
things of this world lightly", and I add, hold the things of heaven
tightly.   After all, that's where I'll be for eternity.   How about you? 
Where is your treasure?   Who holds the key to your heart?  
Who has your affections?  Where are your thoughts taken up? 

There is only One who can satisfy our thirsty souls.
He wants all of us.   Not just one part of us, or one area
in our lives.  He wants it all.  He wants to come and sup with us.
Will you trust Him for your future?   For your provision?  
Who is your destiny?   Where will you spend eternity?  
Is God pleased with your life?  Will He say to you, "Well done
my good and faithful servant?"    Selah.

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