Saturday, November 19, 2011


Wars against our souls, enemy trying desperately
to keep us in bondage of things of old.  Familiar ties,
oppression, intimidation, fear, he always goes for the
jugglier.  It's clear he is jealous of our destinies, that
he will never have for himself, in the light, but only
eternal darkness, a burning lake of fire, Adonai says. 

His weapons are fierce, because he plays on our very fiber,
those things we desperately need to cut off from what we
believed to be our very nature.  Rightly so, but our Adamic nature,
not the new life in Messiah Yeshua.   The lie of the enemy,
is that he wants us to believe this sinful nature is who we are,
cancelling out the reality of what Yeshua did for us at Calvary.
We died to that old man in Messiah Yeshua, and have been
risen with Yeshua from the dead, one new man!

The battle continues fighting for our freedom, severing all soul ties,
ungodly beliefs and attitudes, that have kept us bound.   These things
are a magnet to the pit of hell, our enemy the Word says, "Prowls around
like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."  If we think the devil
is not real, we are demolished from the start.  However, in Yeshua, we
have all authority in heaven and earth to send the enemy reeling to the
footstool of our Lord and Saviour, Yeshua of Nazareth, where he will be
judged and reassigned.  Yeshua is Ha Adon, The Lord.
The Only true and living God, all others are fakes!

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