Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Father's Love

Wash me in Your sea of love,
saturate me in your river,
envelope me till I am consumed
by Your love.

All must stop now, for your love
is my grounding.   It is my security,
my hope, my safe place to rest.
You are my stronghold.

Help me to open my heart, that was shut
so long ago.   Please forgive me saying, "No"
to you then.  To becoming rebellious, defiant,
and independent.  Untrusting, self-sufficient, and
slowly dying. 

I must stop running, doing, working, achieving.
I must rest in your love, allow your arms to hold me
tight, while you breathe your breath of life into me. 
I shall be made new again, but this time, with Abba's
embrace encompassing me! 

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