Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Solid ground

Today's word is the criticalness of knowing who I am
in Messiah, and not to be reliant on others to continually
point the way with the affirmation of this identity in Him.
This is where I am at in my life today. 
As the end of days approaches, I must be secure in who I am
in Him, so that I will not be shaken or moved by anything
that comes at me!   We need to be standing on solid ground,
and that is in Messiah Yeshua, Abba, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh,
the Holy Spirit of God.  

God states clearly in the Tenach, (Hebrew Scriptures), and
the Brit Hadashah, (New Covenant), that He fights for His own,
those who have put their trust in Him.  He is their defense, their
stronghold and fortress.  But those who oppose Him He will destroy.
Therefore, He says, He will fight off our enemies, it is His fight. 
We must stand firm in Him, unwavering.    No matter, what comes
our way, We musn't fear, or shrink back, or fall into shame of being
identified with Him.   He has already warned us, that the world will
hate us because we call upon Him, Yeshua, the lamb of God, the One
who payed it all, who cancelled all our debts, so that we might be Free! 

Come Lord Yeshua!

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