Thursday, September 29, 2011

My friend

Rolling and rolling, turning and spinning,
richocheting off every corner. 
Which way is up? 

Four walls closing in, where is the answer?
Return to the ancient paths, and to those
who have lived longer.  Wisdom is found
in the one's we greatly admire.

Churning and tossing, struggling for the
next breath,  finally tears come, and I
breathe again. 

Do I step forward and jump into what may be
a huge divide without a parachoot? 
He will always be there for me, but I dread
having to pick up the pieces once again.

Is it possible to live "Just for today?"
He said, "take no thought for tomorrow",
but how can I do that, knowing I may be off
the tracks?

I wait for divine guidance to lead me straight,
knowing that peace is of the utmost importance, and as
always, is my reliable barometer in choosing which path to take.

Don't ever leave me Lord, stay close, as I listen for your voice,
help me to walk out your perfect will for my life.  Selah.

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