Thursday, September 22, 2011

Deception run rampid

Why is it we think we know what we are getting, to discover we are completely clueless, and worse than that, have been deceived in matters pertaining to the heart.  We hear about heartaches from friends, as we must "rotate" the cycle, and our hearts grieve deeply for them.  It's so discouraging, disillusioning as well, to know that when you thought you knew someone, you didn't.  I find where I live, it's very serious to guard my heart, as it is a very unique place, one-of-a-kind actually.   But no matter where I reside, I've been given one heart to care for, and no one deserves it, unless they have proven to be trust worthy.   In my past I have given one the benefit of the doubt, assumed one would be responsible with my heart, only to discover the complete opposite was true.  A very hard lesson to learn.  But I learned it indeed.  The only thing I can rely on, is trusting the Spirit of G-d within me.  No words of one can convince me, what my feelings are not saying.  My insides must testify to the truth, they are always correct, but making a choice to follow them, is exactly that, a choice.  A very important choice, often, that choice is a matter of life or death.  Selah.

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