Thursday, September 22, 2011

Over the Edge

People need our voice!  We've got to come out of our trauma's, and be real.   We've got to stop projecting our childhood dysfunctional relationships onto other's in our lives.   My life was tied up in fear, always.  I realize now, that the fear of being rejected that I put onto others, is soley that, my fear.  Not reality.  It's the child, who hasn't been able to come out of the hiding place, and face life on life's terms.  The familiar is deadly!  It leads to no where but fear, and fear paralyzes.   We think that people want us to acquiesce to their desires or needs, but it's not true.  They deeply need us to input who we are for themselves.  Someone's got to challenge them, and someone's got to challenge us, or else how do we ever evolve?

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