Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My journey home

So many books written by so many people, why would anyone take interest in mine?  This lie from from the pit has deterred me, and perhaps many others from putting their story down on paper.  

Often times, when I've been down and out, walloped really badly, a poem will come forth.  It is a catharsis, and in completing one or many is rewarding because at least out of the hell, came a genuine authentic creation.  For this I'm greatful.

For those of you who don't know why "Hepzibah" is my name on my blog, it is because it translates to, "I wanted you", spoken by Adonai, and G-d knows, this is the perfect nick name for me.  I am so very greatful to Him, for without Him, I am lost.  He is my everything!  In Him, I live and move and have my being! 

I am coming into my destiny!  My life is a challenge, but I like a good challenge.  G-d knows that.  I was made for His Glory!  When I follow Him, and do what He calls me to do, I cannot help feel His Glory, as in pleasing Him, I am filled with Joy, something this world cannot offer me.  Happiness passes, and is contingent upon material things, or fleeting "love" relationships, but real Joy, the kind Adonai promised us, is forever!

In His care,


1 comment:

  1. Dear Olive

    You have taken an amazing journey and shown great courage and faith. You are clearly walking in God's light and following His will for you. I wish you many blessings and know you will touch many lives.

    Lots of love,
