Thursday, September 22, 2011

Maintaining Autonomy

Some times I wonder if being constantly in "community" is advantageous to my individuality and uniqueness.  I must be careful to not become "one of the crowd".  The enemy of my soul would love me to sit down, shut up, and blend in.  Funnily, Adonai said to me last week, "I have not called you to blend in."  A light shines in the darkness, and that is what I am.  I was never made to "be one of the crowd".  I am my own unique person with gifts and talents that He has given to me for His Glory.  I also wonder about the health of this constant "community" with others for another reason.  Can one continue to be an emmotional pillar for others, if he is not getting sufficient time alone with G-d?  My relationship with Adonai must have balance.   Personal worship alone with G-d balanced with corporate, (community) worship.  Cultivation happens on the inside, not in the "Body".    Those of us in the "Body" must be careful to not allow others to lead us astray, and "blend" in, when we were never meant to do so.  You know who you are, and if you don't, ask Adonai.    We are all important and special, and need to pay attention to the red lights as we drive along.   That's our responsibility. 

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