Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"What if's?"

He's not a God of "what-if's."
He is clear, strategic, and intentional.
If ever we find ourselves thinking,
"but I don't want to miss God", yet
don't have a complete clearance in our spirit
to go forth and yet the voice of fear says to us,
"but what if I miss God?"   I don't believe
this is the voice of God.   It's the voice of fear,
and fear is not the how God speaks in this context.

God speaks in shalom, although His voice is often
the quieter voice we hear inside, He does infact
speak clearly.    We may have to tune out the
onslaughts of all the other voices in order to discern
His.    God speaks from within rising up from our inner
man, from our loins.  The devil/world comes at our
thoughts from the outside into our head.
The precious voice of His spirit will lead us into all truth.  

Fear should never be a motivator, unless it is the FEAR
of the Lord, not a worldy intimidating voice that will
move us in the wrong direction.   Manipulation is in
fact a spirit from the pit, and it's mother is intimidation,
this is not from God.  It can be difficult to discern at times.
That's why the Scriptures say, "let the shalom of God
be your decision maker." 

I pray one day, I will get to the point where I will
not go, unless I hear, "Go", very clearly.  Otherwise,
I'm not going.   If we hear the voice, "but what-if I miss it?"
disgard it, it's not from God.   God won't let His faithful ones
ever miss it.  He does not desire to withold anything from
His loved ones, ever.   It is His desire that we are clear and
sure of His will.  Granted, there are many times that we
don't know for sure, and we must make a decision, such is life.
However, depending on the size of the decision and what is
at stake, should decide whether it's wise to move at all,
because of the consequences we can suffer if it's a wrong
choice.    But if fear of "missing it" is the reason why
you move forward, without having heard a clear "yes",
there may be high price to pay personally, and I believe
God would like to spare us the harm, or danger we could not see
awaiting us in having made this "unclear" decision. 
We can always refer back to this very wise scripture,
"Let the shalom of God be your decision maker." Selah.

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