Thursday, September 6, 2012


She believed with all of her heart, that it was a New Day.  
She worked hard to breakthrough to get to the other side.
She looked so happy in all of her pictures. 
She believed in Love.   Little did she know, that there
was no future.   She had been deceived.   

She brought of all of her concerns to the table. 
They were written off as angst and anxiety. 
She tryed hard to breakthrough, as she was told
they were her issues causing these fears and insecurities.
In the end, it turned out, that it was her spirit women who knew.

What is the lesson in all of this?   Never, ever, let anyone discard
or minimize your concerns, intuition, spirit sense, or knowing.
If fifty people tell you you are wrong in your estimation and discernment
of a situation, you follow your inner voice/spirit.  The price is too costly.
I have been deeply devastated, and I pray that God will bring me through.

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