Thursday, September 13, 2012


Joy like a river is our Portion
Yeshua reminded us to not let anyone
steal it from us.   It is our strength and
our defense.   Our adversary will continually
try to take it, but we must be on guard to
defend it.   We need to get rid of whatever
would cause us to be downcast that is not
necessary in our lives.   There are necessary
sufferings that only God knows are, however
others that are simply not.  We need much
wisdom to disern each day of our lives what
to keep and what to throw away.  If we give
our first fruits to our God each day, we can
walk the straight and narrow.   He is with us
and His Joy protects us as we put on His armour
and rejoice in HIs goodness.  "He is my defense
and I shall not be moved."  

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