Saturday, September 15, 2012


I realize the only way to heal is to go through the pain and suffering.
To lay it all down before  Yeshua!  To cry out to Him, and realize and
discover that it is only through Him that we can heal.  Through the
crying comes the restoration.  I realize that my walk with the Lord
can only grow deeper through pain and suffering.  No one can truly
or fully understand the sacrifice of Messiah until they experience
having to lay down their life as He did. 

Just when I think I cannot tolerate any more emotional pain the Lord
allows me to be broken again.  I know that this present suffering will
mature me spiritually and deepen my trust and my faith in Messiah. 
When all there is, is me and the Savior, I know I am connecting to His
heart and truly carrying my cross with Him.   Thank you Yeshua for
carrying me and for breaking me so that I can truly become more  like
you.   I love You.  

Written in September 1999

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