Monday, September 17, 2012

Times of Refreshing

My enemy wants to keep me out of fellowship.
I can be all that I am, unique and set apart
and be completely "joined" to the Body of Messiah.
I realize that the voice of the enemy is to cause
me to isolate myself.   It is through the blessings
of the Body that I receive times of refreshing through
the love they pour out on me, and in the midst of our
King.   Yeshua is the Head of the Body, and He speaks
magnificently when His brothers and sisters lift Him up
in Praise and Adoration.   He tangibly comes to us when
we unite in His name, to meet with Him and to see His face.
He is so pleased when we hold hands with one another
acknowledging that He loves us and came to set us free! 
As we receive His supper, we can ask Him to heal any wounded
areas within us, both physical and emotional.  It is an
opportunity to start over from that point on, and put ALL
things behind us.   He said, "anyone who puts his hands to
the plow and looks back is not worthy of the kingdom of God." 
As we come into this New Year, we look with expectancy to
what He will reveal to us as a corporate Body, and in our own
lives.   He is faithful, and in His time He will speak into 
our hearts and minds with His will, and His desires for us,
His people.    Nothing is by happen-stance, God's timing is
right on time!   Selah. 

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