Sunday, September 16, 2012


Which race are you running? 
For whom are you running? 
Are you living for yourself or for
the Glory of God?   When I live to
please Him, I am filled with great Joy,
as that is His gift to me.   He warned me
to guard it, at all costs.  

The struggle to stay so closely hearing
the Master's voice, and not the one of the
world, even the Body of Messiah.   I don't
want to "join" in, and forsake the unique
individual that I am.   It's a fight to not get
caught up in the "doing".    So many opinions
put on us, you can feel the pressure. 

Laying down the law, that it is His law I will
follow, and in the way He leads me, not the
culture nor the community I am surrounded by.
I don't need to prove anything.  I am already
accepted in my Beloved, forever more.   There
is no need to compete, strive, push, nor impose.
He is my all and all, and He will direct, guide, and
open and close His doors as He sees fit!  Selah. 

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