Saturday, September 15, 2012


When all is said and done, and I've passed from this world to the next,
what am I leaving behind that is of any value to the generations to follow?
All that I have is my LOVE for God.   My faith, undying love for my Creator.
My life I live for Him, and in Him, and through Him is what I carry in my heart.
He makes ALL things new!   My love song is for Him, and His for me!  
I am now in preparation for my life to come, He is the One preparing me for heaven.
My part is to say, "Yes".   Have I surrendered all to Him?   Am I clay in His hands?
If I submit all to Him, I can become all that He wants me to be.   He is able.
He loves me, warts and all.   He can do in me, what no one can ever do.  Selah.

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