Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Words and colors giving life to my inner women.
My source is God, but my happiness is perpetuated
by the bright and vibrant colors all around me.  
The Joy, Joy, Joy increases with each bright color fused
into the other.   It is my trademark and my signature these days.
I cannot get enough of my bright colors, for it is life to my essence! 

It is so good to know myself, and what makes me happy!  
I cannot breathe, if I am not following my heart.   In order
to be free, I must do that.   I must forsake all to do the will
of God in my life, and that is inside my heart.  His direction,
His desire, and His perfect will for my life, live inside my heart
that He has fashioned for me.   I must always be brave and listen
to it.  

A wise person told me last year, that the way to fulfill God's 
plan for my life, was to simply be myself every day.   I have
followed that, and I see that I am indeed walking into my destiny.
It is not without the challenges, my opponents, but they are 
God's choosings, and He uses them to refine me.  So be it, they
will sharpen me, and continue to mold me into a more dangerous
warrior for Him!      I am pressing in towards the Glory that the Father
is waiting to lavish upon me, as I enter into His courts with Praise
and Thanksgiving!    Lord, bring me higher, less of me, and more of You!  

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