Thursday, February 16, 2012


Forgiveness.  What a wonderful place of freedom!
The world becomes an awesome place again, when
we've released others back to God.   I am so
greatful that God's Holy Spirit lives in me, so when
my heart is not right against another, He will not
let me rest.   Once I make my apologies, I am free!

There was a time in my life, that I did not have
the Spirit of God living in me.  I lived in a natural
state of sin, and was totally oblivious to it.  But
when I asked Yeshua, (Jesus) to come into my heart
and be my Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit, (Ruach
Ha Kodesh) came and made It's home inside of me.  
It is that Spirit of God that shines it's light on my sin
and convicts me inside my spirit, which
has been born-again, born of God, now made alive
in Yeshua, God's Son.

I was always a loving person, that's how He has
fashioned me.  But when I became alive in Messiah,
and God's love penetrated my heart, my capability of love
became far greater.  My well is much deeper now, and
I want to be a love leaker, where the Father's love is
oozing out of me into my strastasphere, affecting others.
My purpose in this life, is to inject the Father's love to those
around me, so that they can come to the saving knowledge
of Yeshua their Messiah, the One who came and gave it all
so they might have life, and life in abundance!  Selah.

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