Friday, February 24, 2012

Is there a shining star amidst the refuge?
Can God revive a dead carcus?
Is there anything too difficult for Him?

The scriptures say that something
must die, in order to be raised again.
This is new life!   Do we believe?

When we have nailed our own
understanding to the cross of suffering,
all things are possible with Him.

It's very scared to revisit places that
have been defiled, only to be raised
up for God's glory.

Courage is needed to rediscover
God's true destiny for a relationship.
We will choose the risk of a new life?

Restoration follows true grieving, death
of a dream, and dying to our ideas of things.
What is God's perspective? 

What is the eternal design to bring Him Glory?
How can we know, if we don't open our
spirits to the One who created relationships?

I am convinced that only death of a dream
can pave the way for the ultimate purpose
of God in this life.  Selah.

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