Monday, February 20, 2012

Life Again

When the heart is tormented beyond comprehension,
lifetime dreams smashed to pieces, the dissapointement
of love taking you to the deepest hole you could ever imagine,
there is LIGHT!

There is only One who can restore the broken and devastated
heart.   He intercedes for us on our behalf.   His Spirit praying
for ours to come up out of the blackness, and live again.

We are made in such an extrordinary way, that miracles can
happen, by God's grace.   However, there comes a time when
we must embrace the truth of our buried emmotions.

After we have been out of our trauma for a long time,
our tenderness begins to rise up, and we realize it is a new day.
It's time for healing and wholeness, and buried feelings to be felt.

Suppression is not good health, it's a denial of one's reality, and
if permitted to continue in this way, one's reality becomes
whatever they want it to be, not the truth of an accurate reality.

One needs much courage to face the pain of the past, to look in
all honesty, at the entire situation, and be willing to risk the
"not knowing".   We're so afraid to travel unchartered waters, yet
this debilitating fear can paralize us.  

We must follow God at all times.   He will direct our paths, but
should we ignore His voice, and do our "own thing", we come
out of His divine protection, and we are truly left to fend for ourselves.


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