Thursday, February 9, 2012

Love Language

Why do we punish people by withholding love?
Because they don't act the way we think they ought?
This isn't God's kind of love.  On the contrary!
He calls us to a higher level of love, Agape love.

We need to realize that our "unconditional" agape love
is what will heal, restore, mend, reconcile, and resolve
other's broken hearts.  Do we understand that IF we
allow God to use us as instruments of His love,
we too will be restored and healed, made into a whole

If we live only for ourselves, we shall travel absolutely
nowhere!   It is indeed an dead end.   We were created
to worship God, and love His people.   Our love through
Yeshua our Messiah (Jesus of Nazareth), can do miracles
in the hearts of others.  Do we believe this?   Do we
understand we have the "key" to redemption and restoration?

There is no other name under heaven and earth, that
can reconcile man to God, but the Holy One of Israel.
Have we surrendered our lives today to Him?  Our we
willing to lay it all down, in EXCHANGE for His Glory
in our lives?    We carry the precious mantle of Healing
and restoration, because Yeshua lives within our hearts,
and it is only His blood that can reconcile us to God,
our creator, who is waiting at the door of your heart to
heal you and bring you with Him to heavenly places, even
as you walk this earth.  For our destination is not here!  
It is in heaven with our Creator, who gave all for us, to
bring us back to Him, forever!  Selah.

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