Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Time Eternal

"We focus on what we cannot see,
not on what we can see".  Our life
here is but a "vapor", we are only
passing through.   But what will we
do while we are here on this earth?

We can only know the will of the Father
if we spend time with Him.   Revivalist
Ruth Ward Heflin said, "Praise until
the spirit of worship comes, worship
until the spirit of glory comes, then
stand in the Glory!"

It is only in this atmosphere of the
"holy hush", that we can truly hear the
heart of the Father.   Will we take the
time out in our "busyness" to hear His

 When we have truly surrendered
our own agendas, and come humbly before
His throne, we will hear Abba Daddy's
voice telling us what is in His heart. 

When we begin to pray the Father's will
and align ourselves with His purposes,
we will reap the abounding Joy that is
promised in His Word.   He is waiting for
us to 'lay it all down', so we can pick up
His Glory.   Selah.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Breathing Again

Only at His feet can I find my center.
He is my foundation, my stability, and
stronghold.  To breathe again and rest.

Out of this time of intimacy with Him,
the air is fresh, and the smile returns.
Gaining His perspective, and putting
down my own, which is of no value.

To see with His eyes, His heart,
His mercy and compassion, is the
only place I want to be, all else is self.

To be heavenly minded, understanding
that my life here on this earth is temporary,
and my future is eternal.  My priority is
to love the way He does, advancing His Kingdom! 

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Ultimate

Everyone wants love, even athiests.
Yet, they won't acknowledge the author.

We can't survive without love, yet we have
denied that we have cut ourselves off from it.

We've learned to live with our heart door 'dead'
bolted locked,  so love of any kind cannot enter.

We sabotage relationships, because we have
not believed in love, so we push it away.

How long can we remain in this numb state?
Until we are desperate to experience the real thing.

God is waiting at the door of our hearts, longing
to break down all barriers to receiving His love.

He is the only One who can remove the crators and
boulders blocking our heart receptors.  

He said, "only ask and it shall be done for you."
He also said, "only believe".

Why does He let us get to a place of desperation,
before we see a transformation? 

Because He is our ultimate partner, and it is a team
effort.   He will never push His way into our hearts.

Just as a man who truly loves a women will wait
patiently for her to reciprocate, so does our God.

His love is amazing!   I don't know where I would
be without His love, and I don't ever want to be there.


Strings of the violin pierce my heart,
breaking open the pain lodged so deeply.
As each note soothes my heart, it's like
a healing ointment to my soul.

It's a new day!   A new hour.  A new love!
There is nothing Abba cannot do for me,
that needs to be done.  He is faithful to
heal my deepest wounds resurfacing.

God cares about the condition of my heart,
more than any ministry calling or commission
on my life.   He wants me whole, healed,
and restored.  Selah. 


Holding onto center is the challenge.
If anything becomes bigger than God,
re-focus.  The place of rest, is where
all good direction should spring from.

Contending for the intimacy of the
Godhead.  Knowing that this is the
only place of rest and peace.   Stop,
and re-focus.

We have an enemy, and he wants to
take our attention away from the Prince
of Peace.   Our beloved, and the lover
of our souls.   Rest in Him, and re-focus.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

To resist

Magnet pulling back to old,
resist the temptation, breathe
into new life.  

Each new day, is exactly that.
Leave the shackals behind.
He has called us to freedom.

Dancing with my Savior.
the Joyous wedding dance,
my cup overflowing.

Soar to new heights,
lift up your arms, and let
the wind of His spirit carry you.

No burdens, no baggage,
no needs other than to know
Him and to love Him deeply. 

Prepare for take-off!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Is there a shining star amidst the refuge?
Can God revive a dead carcus?
Is there anything too difficult for Him?

The scriptures say that something
must die, in order to be raised again.
This is new life!   Do we believe?

When we have nailed our own
understanding to the cross of suffering,
all things are possible with Him.

It's very scared to revisit places that
have been defiled, only to be raised
up for God's glory.

Courage is needed to rediscover
God's true destiny for a relationship.
We will choose the risk of a new life?

Restoration follows true grieving, death
of a dream, and dying to our ideas of things.
What is God's perspective? 

What is the eternal design to bring Him Glory?
How can we know, if we don't open our
spirits to the One who created relationships?

I am convinced that only death of a dream
can pave the way for the ultimate purpose
of God in this life.  Selah.


Stumbling through the corridors, looking for the answer
to set me free.   There He was.  I saw Him, but only for a moment.
His glaring eyes took my breathe away.   He burned something
into me.  It was as if He placed a new heart inside of me.   
His look took me on a journey, it was if I was transported to
another place, another realm in time, and when I came to,
I was changed.   Who was He?   Why would He come to me?
Who am I, that He should want to deposit this "love" into me?
His embrace that came only through His stare into my eyes,
transformed me for ever.  Who is He?   Was has He come to me? 
What do you want me to do for You?   How can I please You?
What is it that You want me to say to others?   Have You come
so that I might lead others to You?    My answer to every problem?
I love you with everything in me.   Teach me how to love You
by following You, and obeying You.   You are my Prince, and
I surrender.  

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Embracing love fills the heart
and will overflow and leak'out
to all those in our sphere.

Love can be painful when
relationships have failed,
yet our vunerability is so beautiful.

If we allow our hearts to be tender,
we can truly be compassionate to others,
identifying with them, and sharing God's love.

To deny our loving feelings for someone
makes us only half alive, as the heart
is being squashed.

Our hearts are where "life" is.
If we shut them down, we are
simply robots "going through the motions".

The human heart is what makes us
truly alive.   We need to live out of
hearts, not out of our heads. 

God didn't ask us for a commentary
of our lives, but to embrace it with
two hands, and run with Him! 


Monday, February 20, 2012

Life Again

When the heart is tormented beyond comprehension,
lifetime dreams smashed to pieces, the dissapointement
of love taking you to the deepest hole you could ever imagine,
there is LIGHT!

There is only One who can restore the broken and devastated
heart.   He intercedes for us on our behalf.   His Spirit praying
for ours to come up out of the blackness, and live again.

We are made in such an extrordinary way, that miracles can
happen, by God's grace.   However, there comes a time when
we must embrace the truth of our buried emmotions.

After we have been out of our trauma for a long time,
our tenderness begins to rise up, and we realize it is a new day.
It's time for healing and wholeness, and buried feelings to be felt.

Suppression is not good health, it's a denial of one's reality, and
if permitted to continue in this way, one's reality becomes
whatever they want it to be, not the truth of an accurate reality.

One needs much courage to face the pain of the past, to look in
all honesty, at the entire situation, and be willing to risk the
"not knowing".   We're so afraid to travel unchartered waters, yet
this debilitating fear can paralize us.  

We must follow God at all times.   He will direct our paths, but
should we ignore His voice, and do our "own thing", we come
out of His divine protection, and we are truly left to fend for ourselves.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Love Eternal

I've discovered that there is one
thing that doesn't ever die,
and that is love.

You can move to the furthest,
most remote corner of the earth,
across galaxies, and love
will not die. 

You can try to stop loving
someone, but it's only in vain.

Love is eternal.  It doesn't get old
and worn out, nor dissapear.
Real love lives on, forever....

Old Man

As time marches on, I am humbled by the truth
that I am completely lost without my God.
The Old Man is what I am left with, without His
grace and mercy in my life each and every day.

The Old Man is always there, lurking underneath,
looking for opportunities to rear his ugly head.
Without the wind of the Spirit in my life, I am
simply a body of flesh, with it's lusts and passions.

It is only through God's love in me, that I can love
the way He has called me to.  Unconditionally.
This is the ongoing challenge.  "What good is it
if I only love those who love me", Jesus said.

Ah, but through a transformation of this Old Man
into a born-again, blood washed follower of Jesus,
I can love like He loved, or I can certainly spend
the rest of my earthly life trying.  This is my debt to Him.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


May I strike it?   The never ending attempt.
I am a giver.   I can't help myself.
Because of this fact, I must go away from
others to ensure my filling up with God. 
These days, I walk away from people who
are takers by nature.   They suck the life
out of me.  

God is love.  When we live in God,
we are naturally ready to give and lavish
others with His love.   God has shown me,
that I must come away with Him, and get
filled up with His love, again.   I must refuel.

He has shown me that balance is the answer.
Not all "me" time, and not all "other's" time.
But time with and without people.  This may
seem elementary, but living here in this city,
with my daily enviroment, and who I am in
my heart, I must learn to incorporate the two.

I am needed in certain environments to love
on others.  To encourage, to listen, to show
mercy and compassion.  To accept without
placing judgement, to embrace the "un-

I am learning, I am on my God-tailored
journey.  I am learing how to
actually schedule rest in my weekly calender,
this is a brand new experience for me. 
Lord, thank you for working with me! 

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Forgiveness.  What a wonderful place of freedom!
The world becomes an awesome place again, when
we've released others back to God.   I am so
greatful that God's Holy Spirit lives in me, so when
my heart is not right against another, He will not
let me rest.   Once I make my apologies, I am free!

There was a time in my life, that I did not have
the Spirit of God living in me.  I lived in a natural
state of sin, and was totally oblivious to it.  But
when I asked Yeshua, (Jesus) to come into my heart
and be my Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit, (Ruach
Ha Kodesh) came and made It's home inside of me.  
It is that Spirit of God that shines it's light on my sin
and convicts me inside my spirit, which
has been born-again, born of God, now made alive
in Yeshua, God's Son.

I was always a loving person, that's how He has
fashioned me.  But when I became alive in Messiah,
and God's love penetrated my heart, my capability of love
became far greater.  My well is much deeper now, and
I want to be a love leaker, where the Father's love is
oozing out of me into my strastasphere, affecting others.
My purpose in this life, is to inject the Father's love to those
around me, so that they can come to the saving knowledge
of Yeshua their Messiah, the One who came and gave it all
so they might have life, and life in abundance!  Selah.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Words and colors giving life to my inner women.
My source is God, but my happiness is perpetuated
by the bright and vibrant colors all around me.  
The Joy, Joy, Joy increases with each bright color fused
into the other.   It is my trademark and my signature these days.
I cannot get enough of my bright colors, for it is life to my essence! 

It is so good to know myself, and what makes me happy!  
I cannot breathe, if I am not following my heart.   In order
to be free, I must do that.   I must forsake all to do the will
of God in my life, and that is inside my heart.  His direction,
His desire, and His perfect will for my life, live inside my heart
that He has fashioned for me.   I must always be brave and listen
to it.  

A wise person told me last year, that the way to fulfill God's 
plan for my life, was to simply be myself every day.   I have
followed that, and I see that I am indeed walking into my destiny.
It is not without the challenges, my opponents, but they are 
God's choosings, and He uses them to refine me.  So be it, they
will sharpen me, and continue to mold me into a more dangerous
warrior for Him!      I am pressing in towards the Glory that the Father
is waiting to lavish upon me, as I enter into His courts with Praise
and Thanksgiving!    Lord, bring me higher, less of me, and more of You!  

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Love Language

Why do we punish people by withholding love?
Because they don't act the way we think they ought?
This isn't God's kind of love.  On the contrary!
He calls us to a higher level of love, Agape love.

We need to realize that our "unconditional" agape love
is what will heal, restore, mend, reconcile, and resolve
other's broken hearts.  Do we understand that IF we
allow God to use us as instruments of His love,
we too will be restored and healed, made into a whole

If we live only for ourselves, we shall travel absolutely
nowhere!   It is indeed an dead end.   We were created
to worship God, and love His people.   Our love through
Yeshua our Messiah (Jesus of Nazareth), can do miracles
in the hearts of others.  Do we believe this?   Do we
understand we have the "key" to redemption and restoration?

There is no other name under heaven and earth, that
can reconcile man to God, but the Holy One of Israel.
Have we surrendered our lives today to Him?  Our we
willing to lay it all down, in EXCHANGE for His Glory
in our lives?    We carry the precious mantle of Healing
and restoration, because Yeshua lives within our hearts,
and it is only His blood that can reconcile us to God,
our creator, who is waiting at the door of your heart to
heal you and bring you with Him to heavenly places, even
as you walk this earth.  For our destination is not here!  
It is in heaven with our Creator, who gave all for us, to
bring us back to Him, forever!  Selah.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


It's something we move towards.
There are many modalities, events,
and opportunities, for us to find
our way there.   The point is that
we do discover ourselves moving
in that direction.  Sometimes God
has to move us to another country
to grow up.   In my life, I see so
much growth, that I wonder some-
times if people will recognize me
who knew me before?  God has
in fact done a major overhaul in
my life since then, and the adventure
continues!  How's your adventure?


The favor of God
rests with those who
believe on the Son
who came for us!

We walk in distinct
favor, as people
around us see the
miracles day after day!

Yeshua said that,
"Signs and wonders
would follow us", as we
abide in Him, the Vine.

I feel His grace in
my life, and I am so
honored and privileged
to call Him Lord.

Yeshua is the lover
of my soul, the one
who gave it all so
that I may have life!

As I give Him the
best part of my days,
He visits me and fills
me with overflowing Joy!

This world has nothing
to offer me, but His
everlasting Kingdom is
is what I forever live for!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Fresh Manna

Revival of Fire,
the passion burns
brightly within me.

I am tied to you,
mind, body, soul,
and spirit.

You fill me with Joy
overflowing.   Your
presence overwhelmes

I laugh and cry, as I
feel your love envelope

You are all that I need.
You are all that I want.

I am loved, accepted,
and approved of.
I am hidden in your arms daily.

You sing songs of love
over me, and you restore
my soul.  

Saturday, February 4, 2012

To contend

In the stillness, my Beloved speaks;
will I slow down for Him to whisper
in my ears?  

He is longing for me alone, to reveal
the secret things of His heart.  Will I
let Him take hold of me, and posess me
as a lover longs to do?

What keeps me from going there? 
From stopping in the silence and letting
Him invade my heart? 

The unknown can be very scarey.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirt
are patiently waiting for me to uncover
my heart, and let them into my vunerability.

Now, I will go and let Them do their most
perfect work in me.   Yeshua (Jesus) said,
"I stand at the door of your heart, will you
invite me in"?  

Here I come Lord!