Thursday, March 1, 2012


Dare to dream, dare to believe.
Is it possible to wipe the slate clean?

If we are changed, can't situations
change too?   

Can't we make a promise to ourselves,
that we will not repeat our past?  

We cannot remain on the fence in
indecision.  Life moves on, so must we.

Fear equals death.  There is no life there.
Are we afraid that God won't catch us? 

He promised he would never leave us,
He always has my back, except for disobedience.

If I knowingly disobey His direction and guidance
for my life, and choose to go my way, He allows it.

But He turns his face, and waits for me to
come back to Him, and submit all to His counsel.

Thank you my God for this life you have so
lovingly bestowed upon me, let me always follow you!

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