Monday, March 12, 2012


It is so precious!   It passes like the wind.
We sit, and we contemplate, which way
to go, and what to do, and all the while
life continues to move!  

The bible states, our lives are just a vapor;
poof, and that's it, it's gone.  With this
perspective in sight, shouldn't we "act"
more often?    Why do we think we have forever?

In these experiences, and in this temporal world,
we do not.   The relationships God has given to
us, is for this life, and we must "seize" these moments.
We ought not continue to take for granted our days.

It's true these present relationships can indeed have
an eternal effect, and we pray they will.    God
loves us so very much, and wants our hearts to be
filled with Joy and Gladness!    Can we let Him in?

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