Thursday, March 1, 2012

Around the Mountain

Two extremes, bouncing from one to the other. 
Complete opposites, where is my center?
Clarity is needed, fear to be reckoned with. 
Peace will determine the awaited decision. 

Torment of standing still, unable to choose.
Walking with my saviour is the obvious road.
He is the focus, all anxiety surrendered to His care.
With letting go comes the Joy of His sweet fellowship.

Necessity to continually lay this down at His feet.
Being vigilant to not allow anything to stand
between me and thee, for the psalmist says, "In His
right hand are pleasures forevermore."  

I rejoice in knowing that there are heavenly arms
that I can run into.    The Father is always waiting
for me to commune with Him.   Yeshua is loving
me even when I have lost my way, quietly wooing me back.

The Three are always waiting patienty for me to take
refuge in the shelter of Daddy's wings.   My brother Yeshua
is calling me back to Himself, and the Ruach Hakodesh is
breathing His breathe of life into me so I can live on for Abba's Glory

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