Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cold Turkey

Flying high to where the wind blows,
making sure to get full control.
Keeping Your will before me,
saying "no" to prohibited pasture.

What is in this lesson for me?
Don't turn my head from question marks.
That still soft voice of the spirit is forever
faithful.   God, please help me to be.

Those far and few between battles that
make us squirm struggling to be obedient.
"Don't awaken love before it's time", fairest
Shumamite charges the daughters of Jerusalem.

There are times we are faced with a clear cut
distinction of serving in God's camp or the enemy's.
Though these occurences are not every day events,
when they come, we can truly understand self-denial.  

It's a real stripping of self, and it's painful and
agonizing.  But, when we remember our Saviour
sacrificed His life to the point of death for our
benefit, I know He understands my sorrow.

I know in my suffering, I can go deep into His 
despair, and I am in good company.   Although,
He is now risen and seated at the right hand of 
the Father, I am never alone in my anguish.   Selah.  

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