Sunday, October 2, 2016


I don't think that pain is something we are supposed to live with.  
There is unavoidable pain I suppose, but I am not referring to that.
What I am addressing is,  due to the self-esteem we have had, or not had for that matter we continue on in unhealthy relationships.   This pain from these
relationships is what I am referring to.   

Something has to be done.   We cannot continue on feeling dishonored by 
our friends.  I understand that it has nothing to do with ourselves in this
matter when they never really have honored us.   We have simply put up 
with this for way too long.    God is not glorified in this.   It brings him only
grief and sadness.   If He honors us, He would want us to honor one another.

We have all the power in the world over our own decisions.  This God has 
given to us.  We have got to make "right" decisions for our lives.   God gives
us free choice and that will always be ours.   Let's talk with God about our
unhealthy relationships and ask Him how to proceed in our best interest.
Though it may be scary to confront our loved ones, we must be true to God 
by being true to ourselves and take good care of ourselves!   Selah.  

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