Friday, October 7, 2016


When the life has been knocked out of you
from unexpected disappointment,
it can truly throw into a tailspin.

The only way out of this shock 
is to surrender it to God.  
There is simply no time for this derailment.  

Why are we here again?  Why this disappointment again?
I see that the change needs to happen within me.
How do I guard my own heart from this repeated sorrow?

I see my pattern is to pour out all my love
but when the other person is not the same
it's just not a safe place to be.  

I will always be responsible for my heart,
so I need to do things differently.
I wish I could get away from the pain of disappointment.

As long as I realize that I need to take responsibility
for my own feelings and I need to make right decisions
for myself, I hope to advance forward into healthy decision making.

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