Thursday, January 24, 2013


Why do women stay with men who are abusive to them?  
I remember when my dear friend told me she didn't think
I thought I was worthy of something better.   I was so hurt.

Years later, it makes sense to me.    What is it about us women
that can't leave an abusive relationship?   We go into denial
that it is even happening.   We hope it will change, but we remain.

What do we need to do, to prevent this from happening again?
I think we need to get our love tank full by God, not man.
Once we get our need met by God, we will not be so needy of man.

We will then make better choices.   We can see more clearly, and
be much more discerning when picking men for ourselves.
How many times do we need to get "beat up" before we see the light?

When we don't feel so desperate for love, because we know God's love,
we hopefully will find ourselves in healthier relationships.  I know for me,
I haven't trusted my gut instinct, and went into analyzing and rationalizing.

If I stayed solely in my intuition, I would cut off bad relationships very quickly.
I need not shift into my head and reasoning.  It's a mistake.   The answer is
already there, and I need to go with it.  Trust myself that I really do have wisdom.

We women need to stand up to men and say, 'NO THANK YOU!"
You seem to have the wrong address!    I'm quite happy with who I am,
and my love relationship with my God and beloved Bridegroom.  

God knows exactly who we need, and we need to have faith that He will
bring it around to us in His perfect timing.    We need to thank Him in advance
for all that He is doing to make us ready for His choice for us.   Thank you Lord!   

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