Thursday, January 17, 2013


It's always a surprise when "Joy comes in the morning!"
One can never know what's ahead, even the next day,
but my God is faithful!   He will never leave me nor forsake me.

Sleep is essential, and God often does His most perfect work 
during those hours.   It is a complete waste of time for us
to worry, fear, and or partner with anxiety, as He always delivers!

We are never alone.  Though our adversary would have us think so.
We are covered, supported, loved, honored, and cherished by our
beloved bridegroom.    He knows all things from beginning to end.

Real life cannot be seen from the outside, but only felt on the inside.
This is our hope, our life in Him, Messiah Yeshua, our salvation!  
Life with Him is a continual feast, we must remember He is our daily food.


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