Sunday, January 27, 2013

Unconditional love

Do we love because of what others can do for us?  
Are our hearts pure, with no evil intent?   
The bible says not.   It says, it is deceitful above all else.

Through this journey of mine, I so want to by-pass pain.
I don't want my heart to hurt, and to feel mauled.
I wish things were black and white, but they are not.  

Love is a very messy business.   There is no way
I can avoid exposing my heart to vunerability if I really
want to live!    What I do know is that my God can help me.

In fact I don't know how anyone lives without God.
It must be such a lonely place.   The scriptures say that
with God I can scale a wall.    He is my charge, my infusion!  

It's a tough road walking out my call, not being influenced
by the peer pressure of my faith community.     My commission
is different, and I must listen for the voice of the Father above all!   


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