Saturday, May 5, 2012


Picking up the pieces, sifting them through, to find a whole new path.
Deep breathing, into the next new moment.   Processing growth, shifting into new attitudes and perspectives.   Life begins, AGAIN.

Positive outlook, renewed freedom, reconnecting with the only One who loves perfectly.   Life experience teaches me that it is only in the arms of my beloved bridegroom, that there is complete satisfaction.

Relationships beat you up, bringing you back to the place that He is the only One who can fulfull such deep longings of the heart.  Healing takes place when we know His magnificent love is our full assurety.

"All things work together for good, to those who love God and are called according to His purpose".    Every involvement with someone and what it triggers inside can be a great opportunity for healing.

Letting go is tricky.   Keep breathing in new life, and God's goodness day by day.   He is faithful to meet us, and help us through our grief and loss.   "Better is one day in Your house than thousands elsewhere".

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