Saturday, May 26, 2012


Let's face it, there are some that are created
that are made in the same likeness, and can
deeply appreciate our separate "uniqueness".

There are others, who would prefer to celebrate
us from afar.   For whatever reason, they are
put off by our "differentness", and keep their distance.

The challenge in life, is to continue to be the
beautiful people that we are; sensitive, compassionate,
loving, creative, and exceptionally outspoken.

We bless them, for the world needs them too.
The reality is not everyone wants to be our friend,
much less in our close circle of accountablility.

I have discovered that jealousy is a prevalent asset
of the kingdom of darkness.    It's slimey and slithers
it's way into even children of God, and it has a stench. 

The closest of friends can suffer from this oppressive
jealousy, and it's lack of words says it all.   What can I do?
Pray and bless them.   We can all fall victim to this life choker.

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