Friday, May 4, 2012


Is there anyone out there?  
I've come to the realization
that there is a shortage of strong men! 

I don't mean physical, although that is important.
I mean a man who has been raised to be a man.
Where I live, there is definately a shortage! 

I wonder if there really is a match for me? 
Not knowing is anxiety provoking,
but all the future is unknown, so we trust.

We must let go, when torment comes,
clear sign something is not ringing true.
Scarey, when not sure, but God is faithful to reveal.

Following what He puts inside our hearts can be trusted.
He wants our very best.   If it's not, it's NOT!  
God speaks through so many ways, we must tune in.

Letting go is tough, but PEACE is everything!  
It's a treasure that no one should take from us.
We must guard it as dilligently as we can.  Selah. 

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