Sunday, May 27, 2012


God speaks in the moments of stillness.
Though challenging it may be, once
stopped, such peace overtakes me.  

Just to listen to His voice within me,
His love enraptures me.    To be in
His beauty, is deep intimacy. 

Closing all other voices out, to
hear my beloved speak.   To feel Him
caressing me, and holding my heart in His hands.

Once again, I surrender my everything to Him.
He is waiting for me to get alone with Him.
To listen to His voice only, and to find comfort.

He has prepared a table for me, and I will
delight in Him.  He is preparing me for my
wedding day, when I will be changed in His Glory.  

Inner world

A life to live within one's self.   
Your own inside world, for
nothing else can have expression. 

How long can one do this? 
Trying to find my way in
this spiraling down scenerio.

A compartment of life, that
remains in it's cacoon, as it
is not permitted to blossom.

Even a tight rope walker
reaches the end of the line.
Where is the finish?  

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Let's face it, there are some that are created
that are made in the same likeness, and can
deeply appreciate our separate "uniqueness".

There are others, who would prefer to celebrate
us from afar.   For whatever reason, they are
put off by our "differentness", and keep their distance.

The challenge in life, is to continue to be the
beautiful people that we are; sensitive, compassionate,
loving, creative, and exceptionally outspoken.

We bless them, for the world needs them too.
The reality is not everyone wants to be our friend,
much less in our close circle of accountablility.

I have discovered that jealousy is a prevalent asset
of the kingdom of darkness.    It's slimey and slithers
it's way into even children of God, and it has a stench. 

The closest of friends can suffer from this oppressive
jealousy, and it's lack of words says it all.   What can I do?
Pray and bless them.   We can all fall victim to this life choker.


The devil's playground is our emotions. 
This is where he thrives.  Many have fallen
from grace by tumbling forward in this area.

We were made to feel, and experience human
emotions.   Our heart is precious to God. 
Our deepest longings can become our weakness.

The devil waits to pounce on a child of God,
to run into any open door he can, he is patient.
Our emotions must be submitted to the Godhead.

The great Rabbi Saul of Tarsus said,
"I beat my body into submission",
this would be a perfect example of this necessity.

There is an outlet in which to express these emotions.
It can be transformed into a wonderful creative energy
to invent awesome works of art for God's kingdom.  Selah.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Can of Worms

Not to resist the impulse to let it out,
is a sorry mistake.    We cannot put the
words back in our mouths.    Horror and shock
beset us.  Condemnation and guilt visit us.
We turn to the only One who can forgive us,
and make things right again with our Master. 

To do something for someone because we don't
want them to feel badly, is a poor choice, when
it is not lead of the spirit.  Our flesh continually
makes messes, and we beat ourselves into the ground
further because we didn't heed the wisdom that
comes down from the Father. 

Pressure is good, as it forces us to look up. 
To make things right, to clear our consciences,
to stand before the great I AM, and repent and turn
away from the "sin that easily besets us". 
To make a firm decision to not visit those choices again.
The only One who needs to approve of us is God Almighty.

My Own

My own love song.
Passionate kisses
between my beloved
and I.

He seeks me out,
day by day,
He sends forth his aroma,
as He waits for me.

No one can ever share
the intimacy between He and me.
He's is all consuming,
all enveloping, He is lovely.

I know that He will never leave me.
He was made for me, and I for Him.
No one can ever separate us,
and the love we share forever.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

God of the Impossible

When you feel as if you cannot navigate forward,
and the wind has been knocked out of you, rest
in the arms of your Beloved.

Sleep off the shock, and dance till your hearts delight.
Focus all your energy towards Him.   He'll move you on
to the next place, the next dance, the next move.

He's faithful to the end.   The only safe place is in His
tabernacle.   Life continues to throw explosives at you,
and what will you do with them? 

I am choosing to allow them to be teachers and strengtheners
to me.   I am being refined like gold.  Pure gold.   I know
who I am, His Princess, and I am worthy of a good name.

If the enemy does not come in through one door, he'll
attempt to come in another.   Nail it shut.   Put up a sign
that reads, "Tresspassing not allowd!" 

Feel the changes of life, the onslaughts, the sorrows,
the Joys, the challenges, and the victories.    Keep the
Lord always close in mind, and never put Him aside. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012


We all have limitations.
We all need to respect that in each other.
Our demands and expectations of others
will always dissapoint us.   Coming to this
realization is a sign of growing into maturity.
When we put the responsibility back on ourselves
we are truly free.  

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Picking up the pieces, sifting them through, to find a whole new path.
Deep breathing, into the next new moment.   Processing growth, shifting into new attitudes and perspectives.   Life begins, AGAIN.

Positive outlook, renewed freedom, reconnecting with the only One who loves perfectly.   Life experience teaches me that it is only in the arms of my beloved bridegroom, that there is complete satisfaction.

Relationships beat you up, bringing you back to the place that He is the only One who can fulfull such deep longings of the heart.  Healing takes place when we know His magnificent love is our full assurety.

"All things work together for good, to those who love God and are called according to His purpose".    Every involvement with someone and what it triggers inside can be a great opportunity for healing.

Letting go is tricky.   Keep breathing in new life, and God's goodness day by day.   He is faithful to meet us, and help us through our grief and loss.   "Better is one day in Your house than thousands elsewhere".

Friday, May 4, 2012


Is there anyone out there?  
I've come to the realization
that there is a shortage of strong men! 

I don't mean physical, although that is important.
I mean a man who has been raised to be a man.
Where I live, there is definately a shortage! 

I wonder if there really is a match for me? 
Not knowing is anxiety provoking,
but all the future is unknown, so we trust.

We must let go, when torment comes,
clear sign something is not ringing true.
Scarey, when not sure, but God is faithful to reveal.

Following what He puts inside our hearts can be trusted.
He wants our very best.   If it's not, it's NOT!  
God speaks through so many ways, we must tune in.

Letting go is tough, but PEACE is everything!  
It's a treasure that no one should take from us.
We must guard it as dilligently as we can.  Selah.