Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Solid ground

Today's word is the criticalness of knowing who I am
in Messiah, and not to be reliant on others to continually
point the way with the affirmation of this identity in Him.
This is where I am at in my life today. 
As the end of days approaches, I must be secure in who I am
in Him, so that I will not be shaken or moved by anything
that comes at me!   We need to be standing on solid ground,
and that is in Messiah Yeshua, Abba, and the Ruach Ha Kodesh,
the Holy Spirit of God.  

God states clearly in the Tenach, (Hebrew Scriptures), and
the Brit Hadashah, (New Covenant), that He fights for His own,
those who have put their trust in Him.  He is their defense, their
stronghold and fortress.  But those who oppose Him He will destroy.
Therefore, He says, He will fight off our enemies, it is His fight. 
We must stand firm in Him, unwavering.    No matter, what comes
our way, We musn't fear, or shrink back, or fall into shame of being
identified with Him.   He has already warned us, that the world will
hate us because we call upon Him, Yeshua, the lamb of God, the One
who payed it all, who cancelled all our debts, so that we might be Free! 

Come Lord Yeshua!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Father's Love

Wash me in Your sea of love,
saturate me in your river,
envelope me till I am consumed
by Your love.

All must stop now, for your love
is my grounding.   It is my security,
my hope, my safe place to rest.
You are my stronghold.

Help me to open my heart, that was shut
so long ago.   Please forgive me saying, "No"
to you then.  To becoming rebellious, defiant,
and independent.  Untrusting, self-sufficient, and
slowly dying. 

I must stop running, doing, working, achieving.
I must rest in your love, allow your arms to hold me
tight, while you breathe your breath of life into me. 
I shall be made new again, but this time, with Abba's
embrace encompassing me! 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


The Joy of being exactly who Adonai has created you to be! 
There is only one You that will ever be!
The greatest delight for Adonai is honoring Him by fulfilling this call.
He has said to us, "We are altogether lovely!"
The psalmist King David said to Adonai, "Hide me as you would the pupil
in your eye".   We are His glory, and His most precious creation!
Let's honor Him, and be all that He has created each one of us to be,
for there will never be another You, nor me!   Selah.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Wars against our souls, enemy trying desperately
to keep us in bondage of things of old.  Familiar ties,
oppression, intimidation, fear, he always goes for the
jugglier.  It's clear he is jealous of our destinies, that
he will never have for himself, in the light, but only
eternal darkness, a burning lake of fire, Adonai says. 

His weapons are fierce, because he plays on our very fiber,
those things we desperately need to cut off from what we
believed to be our very nature.  Rightly so, but our Adamic nature,
not the new life in Messiah Yeshua.   The lie of the enemy,
is that he wants us to believe this sinful nature is who we are,
cancelling out the reality of what Yeshua did for us at Calvary.
We died to that old man in Messiah Yeshua, and have been
risen with Yeshua from the dead, one new man!

The battle continues fighting for our freedom, severing all soul ties,
ungodly beliefs and attitudes, that have kept us bound.   These things
are a magnet to the pit of hell, our enemy the Word says, "Prowls around
like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."  If we think the devil
is not real, we are demolished from the start.  However, in Yeshua, we
have all authority in heaven and earth to send the enemy reeling to the
footstool of our Lord and Saviour, Yeshua of Nazareth, where he will be
judged and reassigned.  Yeshua is Ha Adon, The Lord.
The Only true and living God, all others are fakes!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Radiant with Joy

The Life is in You Lord,
there is no other place.
Being rooted and grounded in You,
is the only life there is.
There is no other life apart from You.

Those who have been in the
presence of the Lord have
surrendered their will, and  have
clothed themselves in His righteousness
and in His humility.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Yeshua, Yeshua, my Savior and Lord,
thank you that today, you have made all
things new!  I don't have to walk in the muck
of the past, but only towards my divine future,
tailored by Abba, my heavenly daddy.

You are freeing me day by day, so that I
can be a light in my stratesphere, and bring
many to the saving knowledge of Yeshua! 
You are the only true and living God, the only
One who can save, restore, heal, and mend.
There is none other!

I walk towards the light, towards my future,
not towards my past.  You are my destiny,
there is none other.  You have many things
for me to do, and I worship You Yeshua! 
I thank you that you layed down your very
life for my life in God, forever, and ever, and ever.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Juggling Act

Spinning my plates, how fast can I go?
Trying to find a landing, but puddle jumping still.
Is it the spirits residing over this city to distract
and keep one from a successul straight line?
One thing is certain, life is far from humdrum!
Good friends are indispensible.  Without
this heavenly connection, we could do nothing
but remain in our stuckness.  You feel as if you
are sinking, or glued in time, and cannot move forward.
The faithfulness of the Lord is tryed and true. 
He brings His love through His heavenly vessels to help
repair all the brokeness of our lives.   Should we let this
divine love in, we shall be changed still.  I am forever
amazed at His undying love for me!  He took it all on Himself,
so that I might be One with the Father, and Himself, and His Spirit.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bare Bones

We all have problems,
which ones can YOU tolerate?
There comes a time when
we all have to face the facts,
and accept this reality about
ourselves and all others.
We need to live on earth, and
make sure our feet are touching the ground.
The greatest challenge is learning how to live
with others on this planet, and allowing the Almighty
do to His most perfect work in us.  Our part is to be the clay
in our Potter's hands, doing with us what He sees fit.
He's the One to call the shots, should we give Him this permission
in our lives.   "But for the grace of G-d, go I".