Friday, July 18, 2014


What the enemy is after is our hearts.
If he can devour that which God has placed within in us
we truly become useless in regard to depositing who we
are in this world that so desperately needs each of our input
for healing sake!   

It breaks my heart that so many are closed off, shut down, and
simply on automatic pilot moving through their "lives."
I was one of them.   But, when I met Yeshua (Jesus), it was the
beginning of healing and restoration for me!    I now realize
that my heart is of the greatest value to my Father in Heaven!

My greatest gift from Abba is the gift of encouragement.   
No wonder my adversary would try to beat me down with discouragement
so that I could not have encouragement to give to His Beloved bride, His
people!     I have overcome as I continue to hide myself under the shelter 
of His wings.    If we don't respond to the heart of God, we shall be dead!  

Beloved, He has not called you to "fit in", but to come out and shine your
light for all the world to see!   You are His Glory as you come into the fullness
of who you were made to be.   Throw off your shackles and declare the 
goodness of the Lord Almighty!    He is a faithful to the end!  Selah.   

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