Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Moving On

Does this really happen?   Can we really move on?  
I believe in my mind we can, but what about in our hearts?

When the heaviness comes, the weight of the clouds,
it doesn't feel as if we'll pass through this storm.  

Yet, my life experience tells me, that "Joy always comes
in the morning."   But it is only out of the mourning.

We can't really be real, if we haven't touched the grief,
and brought it before the Father to bring comfort to our hearts.

I'm betwixt and between.   I know there is much significance
to my particular struggle, yet I don't understand it.  

May I never give a "antidote scripture" to someone's pain
and heartache.  May I respond in love to the heart cry of His beloved.

The only place left to go is to Daddy.   It is only at His footstool
that I find peace of mind and heart.   In His presence is my rest!  

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