Thursday, July 11, 2013

In the Air

When our feet come down to earth, and we realize there is no perfect person,
we may find ourselves growing into a maturity we've never known.  

This is truly a time of learning, and discovering the reality of things.
Perhaps this unrealistic expectation has been a smokescreen for fear.

Going deeper into the heart of Daddy God, and realizing His love is all
encompassing, flaws and all.    He loves us unconditionally, we must know.

When we surrender to Him, we can learn to do the same with others.
It is only through Him, that we can lavish this love to His children.

We are on equal footing, we are all lost without Him.   The longer I 
walk with Him, the more I realize how utterly dependent on Him I need to be.

He is my everything!   My hope, my Joy, my restoration, my healing, my 
wholeness, my deliverance, my happiness, and the Lover of my Soul!  

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