Thursday, July 11, 2013

Better Place

It is in our giving, that the world becomes a better place!  
Through giving, our hearts are positioned to bless others.
As a result, our hearts are being healed from selfishness.

There is no reward for putting ourselves first.  It is always
a dead end.   It only brings us deeper and deeper into isolation.
Protecting what we think we have, and not wanting to loose it.  

"We love because He first loved us."  Yeshua (Jesus) is our 
example.   When we give, we are immediately rewarded in our hearts.
We are filled with God's love, each time we give.  This is His expression.

When will we realize, that all that we have belongs to Him?   
If we can hold things lightly, realizing He can remove and take away
anytime He likes.   We have simply be made stewards of these gifts. 

"It is in refreshing others that we are refreshed!"  When we give
the gift of love coming down from the Father, we are filled with 
inexpressible Joy, this is His language, and we are to be His expression!  

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