Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Squeeze!

Pressures rising, with the picture of smoke coming out of my head!  
The squeeze is on, but it all must come up, to come out!  
God is faithful, and He is always there to answer and uphold.
He's simply waiting for His children to turn to Him, and hear His will.  Selah.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Is there one?   How many years does one have to sift in attempts to resolve?
Where is the relief, and when does the healing and wholeness come?
How can we "let go" of so many questions, and heartache?  
When can we put it to bed?   When can we know that we will be restored?

No one wants to jump into the fire, nor reopen old wounds.
But are they "old'?   That's the problem, they still feel "new".  
The Only One who can heal devastated hearts is Abba himself, Daddy God.
He sure does have a way of keeping us close to Him in total dependency!  

Thursday, July 11, 2013


The answer to good health and happiness is to be a giver!  
To be ready and available to lavish the Father's love onto His children.

When we make ourselves the center of our lives, it's very dangerous.
That pattern gets deeper and deeper, slipping into isolation.

This is not the plan of God, because it is a separation of man from God.
As God gave to us in giving us new life in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).

"God so loved the world, that He GAVE His Only Begotten Son..."
If we follow Yeshua's example of giving, we shall indeed be filled with Joy!  

When we do things God's way, we shall never be disappointed.  
We must lay it all down, and take up the "giving" nature of Yeshua.

In Him, we can be truly satisfied.  As we join our spirit to His through 
worship, we come into a peace that is heavenly, and we are fulfilled.  Selah.

In the Air

When our feet come down to earth, and we realize there is no perfect person,
we may find ourselves growing into a maturity we've never known.  

This is truly a time of learning, and discovering the reality of things.
Perhaps this unrealistic expectation has been a smokescreen for fear.

Going deeper into the heart of Daddy God, and realizing His love is all
encompassing, flaws and all.    He loves us unconditionally, we must know.

When we surrender to Him, we can learn to do the same with others.
It is only through Him, that we can lavish this love to His children.

We are on equal footing, we are all lost without Him.   The longer I 
walk with Him, the more I realize how utterly dependent on Him I need to be.

He is my everything!   My hope, my Joy, my restoration, my healing, my 
wholeness, my deliverance, my happiness, and the Lover of my Soul!  

Better Place

It is in our giving, that the world becomes a better place!  
Through giving, our hearts are positioned to bless others.
As a result, our hearts are being healed from selfishness.

There is no reward for putting ourselves first.  It is always
a dead end.   It only brings us deeper and deeper into isolation.
Protecting what we think we have, and not wanting to loose it.  

"We love because He first loved us."  Yeshua (Jesus) is our 
example.   When we give, we are immediately rewarded in our hearts.
We are filled with God's love, each time we give.  This is His expression.

When will we realize, that all that we have belongs to Him?   
If we can hold things lightly, realizing He can remove and take away
anytime He likes.   We have simply be made stewards of these gifts. 

"It is in refreshing others that we are refreshed!"  When we give
the gift of love coming down from the Father, we are filled with 
inexpressible Joy, this is His language, and we are to be His expression!  

New Day

There comes a time in our lives
when we have to "step out on the edge"
and throw ourselves into LIFE!   

We cannot control our situations, 
or even the assets or defects of another.
Can we really love without conditions?

I am convinced that "covenant" must
be established, if we are going to love
with God's unending love.

No one wants to walk the road of the cross,
yet, this is truly where maturity comes.
Sacrificial love is the way of Calvary.

Standing with someone through the thick and
thin, is "covenant" love.    Are we prepared to do that?
"Let us examine our ways, and return to the Lord."

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Moving On

Does this really happen?   Can we really move on?  
I believe in my mind we can, but what about in our hearts?

When the heaviness comes, the weight of the clouds,
it doesn't feel as if we'll pass through this storm.  

Yet, my life experience tells me, that "Joy always comes
in the morning."   But it is only out of the mourning.

We can't really be real, if we haven't touched the grief,
and brought it before the Father to bring comfort to our hearts.

I'm betwixt and between.   I know there is much significance
to my particular struggle, yet I don't understand it.  

May I never give a "antidote scripture" to someone's pain
and heartache.  May I respond in love to the heart cry of His beloved.

The only place left to go is to Daddy.   It is only at His footstool
that I find peace of mind and heart.   In His presence is my rest!  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


"My heart longs for you, in a dry and weary Land 
where there is no water."

In our humanness, we long to belong.   I do 
long to share my heart with another.  

It's in this hard place, that we can identify with 
the loneliness of our Beloved Lord when He suffered.

It is true, that we will never suffer just as He did,
but we surely can know human suffering.   

I find the greatest challenge can be getting totally
vulnerable before the Father.  That's where my healing lays. 

What am I believing about myself and others?  What am
I believing about the Father's love for me?

Once again, I must press through the struggle and find
my Joy and Peace in Him, the Only One who can supply it!