Saturday, April 14, 2012


What is the fear of one's feelings being known?
Why is this an issue that is fearful?   What is
the underlying fear?  To be exposed?  To be
humiliated?   To be taken advantage of? 

What is driving this fear?   What is at the root?
What do I think will happen if I expose my heart?
What is the lie that the pit is feeding me?  
Why do I choose to believe it?  

Isn't God greater?   Can't He protect me? 
It's not as if I don't have a Father. 
So, what is the lie?     My enemy wants me
to think it is not safe to be real?  To be vunerable.

If we have trustworthy people in our lives,
it is safe, whether they reciprocate the feelings or not.
If they love us for who we are, they will value what we feel.
They will not laugh at us, or seek to hurt us in any way.

My conclusion is:  what is the devil trying to prevent
from happenning in our lives?    Success, frutifulness,
Love, Joy, Peace, Prosperity, Restoration, Serenity,
Acceptance, Friendship, and Victory!  

We don't need to be afraid.  We only need to be real.
However, we must be wise, and walk with discernment.
He expects this of us.  We have been given good minds,
and we need to use them accordingly.   Selah. 

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