Monday, April 30, 2012


Sledgehammer down, splitting open the most stubbor of wills.
Release all control to the One who is trustworthy.
Simple remedies, like eating while sitting, and emptying the brain.

Pictures tell the most curious stories, the quota is never satisfied.
New perspective on images, enjoying the journey.   Life here is real.
Society addicted to tobacco, throw back to the 60's, ignorance is bliss?

Family ties, priorities of God.     Bonds tight through all situations. 
US has alot to learn.  Though the nation may be portrayed harsh,
the clear truth is that there is great compassion and deep tenderness in Love.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

To Contend

A broken record.  I'd like to think, each loss leads me closer to the fulfillment of my
heart's desire.   Either that, or I have a serious problem selecting mates.   Is this something that I need to be healed from, because I go into denial about what's really happenning, as I'm already emotionally connected to that particular person, making it very difficult to say, "good-bye".   If only that "issue" were not there, it could be well.   The fact that, "that" issue is not well, could clearly be God's voice saying, "this is not it!"   

I realize I am a handful.   I am full of life, and I know what I want.   I am intimdating to many, because my vunerability and my transparency is threatening to those who have found "other" ways of coping and prefer to not travel down this "truthfulness" road.   Sometimes, I wonder, if there really is anyone out there for me?    Then I think, "well, I've been married twice and maybe that was it for me, I've had my "marraige" experience.    

We're in the end times now, and so I didn't come here to get married, but I'm sure somewhere inside I had hoped I would.   All I can do is release it to God, and trust Him for my future.  It's in good hands.    I realize "next time", I need to do things differently.   Don't put myself in the same situation, and pray FIRST about even going out with that person one time.    Here I am, picking myself up, and having to wipe off the muck, again!   Thank God that everything here in my life is expedited, so that means my healing as well!    

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Throwing it all away, trying to stop the pain.
In the floodwaters, trying not to drown.

As I look back, I see the miracles God has
brought me through.   But O, I want to stop the pain.

Each situation is unique, and there is no formula.
Waiting it out is most difficult for me. 

Why do I feel the need to cut it off? 
What is my fear underlying?  

Why do we push away the pain,
what do we think will happen? 

One must go through the fire,
to come out the other side.

Can I remain, and allow the inevitable to take place?
What that is, I do not know, but there is One who does!  

Praise Him!  Let all the earth acknowledge that He is God! 
He declared, "Before Abraham was, I AM!" 

Sunday, April 15, 2012


In the refining fire, we are truly humbled.
When all of our "natural" schemes are exhausted,
we are shifted into a new place, one of humility.

This  shift does not come until we have gone
through the fires.   It is the fire that burns all of
the dross of our lives away, thank God! 

We are then changed, bit by bit, nothing in ourselves,
only our willingness to allow the Maker to shift our
perspective, and inclinations.    Full surrender.

This does not come through a desire, but through
an exhaustion of our own defense mechanisms, and
desperate attempts to control people, places, and things.

Thank God for my Saviour, who knows so much better
than me, what I need, what I don't need, and where He
ultimately wants me to be.   He can be fully trusted.  Selah.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


What is the fear of one's feelings being known?
Why is this an issue that is fearful?   What is
the underlying fear?  To be exposed?  To be
humiliated?   To be taken advantage of? 

What is driving this fear?   What is at the root?
What do I think will happen if I expose my heart?
What is the lie that the pit is feeding me?  
Why do I choose to believe it?  

Isn't God greater?   Can't He protect me? 
It's not as if I don't have a Father. 
So, what is the lie?     My enemy wants me
to think it is not safe to be real?  To be vunerable.

If we have trustworthy people in our lives,
it is safe, whether they reciprocate the feelings or not.
If they love us for who we are, they will value what we feel.
They will not laugh at us, or seek to hurt us in any way.

My conclusion is:  what is the devil trying to prevent
from happenning in our lives?    Success, frutifulness,
Love, Joy, Peace, Prosperity, Restoration, Serenity,
Acceptance, Friendship, and Victory!  

We don't need to be afraid.  We only need to be real.
However, we must be wise, and walk with discernment.
He expects this of us.  We have been given good minds,
and we need to use them accordingly.   Selah. 


Quick recovery is the grace of God.
When we seek Him and His will,
He is faithful to lead us on in this life.

For the scriptures say, "we shall take
nothing with us" when we go to meet Him.
Let's lighten our load here.   

Discernment IS our lifesaver.   We must
walk in wisdom.   Proverbs states, "It
shall be a garland around your neck".

God is forever faithful, if we continue
to ask, he shall continue to answer.
Never give up on hearing from Him

Yeshua said, "only believe".   Miriam
of Magdelena said, "May it be to me as
you say." as the angel delivered the Word.

God can be trusted, His word is the Word,
for He is the Word.   In Him is life, and life
eternal.   We shall never be dissapointed in Him!

Friday, April 13, 2012


Men do what they want to do.   No one can ever say they don't.

If we are patient, we will see the truth of a situation, as it is,

not as, we wish it was. God is so faithful to speak through all

circumstances, and He loves us so much, that He will not allow

something to continue that is harmful to us.   When it is time,

it is time, and so we can trust our God to shine the light on the

truth, so that we can continue on in His will and His ways.  Selah.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Clear vision

Eyes like an eagle.   Full panoramic view.   This is where He's leading.

Sharper vision, clear words, no compromise.   Refining my discernment.

No way around this process, only life experience will bring me there. 

Walking in full assurety, having traveled that road more than once.

Bulls eye, nothing short of it will do!    Long range, Spirit's voice,  perfect.

He can be trusted, I only have to listen, raise my standards to only His!  

Risk again

How many times can we endure the outcome of risk?  

I keep trying, because life moves forward and I want to! 

What is the alternative option?    Life begins again, right?

Prayer and walking circumspectly is my given, but here we are.

Refining in the fire, is there a "new" lesson here?  

I feel like the hot coals,  turning and turning.

Lord, when will I find my match?   How will I recognize him?  

I'm walking this road with You, but it is not easy! 

Please refresh me in Your presence, and refill me once again.

Even ordinary Peter said to You, "To whom else can we go,

for You have the words of Eternal Life!"   

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


When we love, we are living out our destinies.
When all is said and done, the only thing
that remains is love.   When we think about
loosing someone we love, when we go over
all that transpired between us and them, the
only thing that matters is the love!   I believe
that this is all that matters to God.   He is the
author of love, and so if we are loving one
another, we have fulfilled our destinies in Him.

We must be so careful to not get into works.
To think that we will gain God's love through
our performance.   He's not interested in us
working for His love, as this is not the kind of
God who created us.   He is not impressed with
anything we do to try to gain His approval or
acceptance.    He loves us simply because
He made us, and indeed we were created in
His own image.    He will not love us less if
we mess up, or love us more, if we do well.

His love is unconditional and perfect. 
He never changes.   He's reliable, consistent,
all-knowing, all-powerful, gracious, kind, tender,
and just in every way.   He wants us to do better
when we can.   Seek His will always, and trust Him
even when things look bleek.   He will always be
there to encourage us, and support us, and love us! 
He is God, and there is none other!    He is the
Master of all, the Creator of all the Universe. 
He is Yaweh, Jehovah, the Great and mighty One!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Waiting game

What is my reality? 
Balancing faith with words.
Walking it out, and praying.
Listening, and doing.

Time is ticking,
What is my truth?
What is my motive?
What is my heart cry?

Courage is needed,
pure vunerability,
honesty with God,
stop and process?

What is underlying?
What is driving me?
What is beneath the surface?
Bravity is required.    Selah.  

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Miracles of Miracles!

Fly with Me, and see what I have for you!
It is greater and more enormous than you
could ever imagine!   Soar with Me, and
forget about your problems.   They are
actually not your problems, but Mine! 

Your own position need be, worship Me
with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
See miracles before your eyes, as you enter
into My magnificent presence.  I love you,
and you were made for My Glory!  

Soar as with wings as eagles, as you are
truly seated in heavenly places!   You are Mine,
I have called you by name.   Do not fear,  I
have hidden you in the shelter of my wings,
rest in Me, always, and see that all your dreams will come true! 

Only Believe!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Still learning

In the fires, we learn to develop patience!
It's grueling, but it's rewards are divine! 
When we wait, for a natural growth
in others, we feel more appreciative of their
gifts to us, as God has dealt with us in the interum.

He is a faithful God, and He wants our very best.
Will we trust Him for His ordained blessings in our lives?
It's a humbling process, knowing we are not finished yet.
There is much to learn, and to recover from.
If we remain mallible in His hands, glorious things can happen! 



The heart pulls towards the longing,
can level headedness remain in this state? 
Can we think clearly for what is best for ourselves? 
How long do we wait for an edifying situation?  

It's one day at a time, but our days are precious.
Deliberating over good and wise choices come
to an end.    Decisions must be made.    How long
do we contemplate and wait for a turn-around?

Action to decide is of necessity and a strength.
It is like a muscle that must be exercised, or it will
arophy in time.   Prayer is of the essence for a clear Word.
He speaks, we need only listen and do, listen and do....