Monday, December 28, 2015


Going through the maze of life
always discovering new perspectives.
Deepening my understanding of the 
complexities of this journey I am on.  

What is He getting at in me?
My endurance and perseverance
has strengthened as I press on in Him.
New surprises every day I walk with Him.

Living here in my country I experience
a sense of expectancy and anticipation
full of excitement yet not knowing what?
I hide myself in His bosom of protection and Love.  

Sunday, December 6, 2015


New season of maturing is here.
Life is a process and nothing comes
before the appointed time.  
Hence, "timing is everything."

I am happy to be at this place in my journey.
No longer blame-shifting my pain and discomfort
but able to remember to "keep the focus on me."
It's an awareness that seems to have arrived, thankfully.

Keeping in mind, that life was never meant to be easy, 
helps me in digesting all that goes on in and around me.
It's what I can learn and gleam from each experience.
I am learning to go deeper into the "hidden treasures of darkness."

Monday, July 6, 2015


Floating through the waves of emotions
carried by a stream of thoughts,
ever so present to my reality, 
but after swimming ashore I realize
I was simply 'swept up."  

How embarrassing is this scenario; 
I realize I trusted in what seemed safe
but simply moments of revealing, 
no promise of consistency or heart truth,
only a mood or convenient opening.  

Feeling exposed and wishing I could take it back
due to it falling totally flat.  No reply causes this
feeling of over revealing and more lessons learnt.  
Realizing it is simply the spirits over this city that
cause me to crave that which I don't need.  

I am complete and full thriving in my home land
with the Father's hand of protection covering me.
I am finally home and content where I was always
intended to settle, with His faithfulness at my side.
It is a lie that I am not whole without another.  

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Pressing Through

Moving through the manure of fears,
is like going from "Glory to Glory."
It is straining, heart pounding, and
extremely challenging, yet it surely 
yields it's rewards.  Afterwards, I feel
like I have gotten to the "finish line"
and a sigh of great relief comes!  

It's called "growing into maturity."
Funny, "manure" and "mature" are '
only separated by one letter.  One 
has to move through the manure to 
reach the mature.   Such a revelation!

One wants to shout "Halleluyah"
when achieving success in breaking
through to the goal; in cutting the 
chains that have bound.   This 
accomplishment offers encouragement
for future hope of more and more
maturity as I walk through the manure!  

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Perfect Peace

There's nothing like 'knowing' you are home!  
There is a settled feeling within that has never been.
On the worst day of weariness and fatigue,
exists complete contentment in being "home."

No one wants to be challenged on issues too close to "home",
We'd rather go about our lives in our own bubbles.
There comes a time when we are faced with what we believe,
is it working for us or not?  

For me, I ran my whole life, spinning in circles, unaware,
it was too painful to slow down.  
Well, God has slowed me down, to breathe, to feel, to hear
His heavenly voice breaking through the smokescreen of darkness!


Friday, April 17, 2015


Isn't it time we stop trying to manage life?
If we could only "let-go" and trust.
God has His ways and are we willing to move
over and allow him to take the wheel?  

Letting go is scary, but what are our options?
Holding on for dear life blocks the flow
and what our Creator would like to bless us with.
Can we lay it down and let Him work?

What are we defending? Why do we feel the need
to "protect" our insides?   If we only knew His 
provision in that way and trusted it, we could relax.
It all comes down to believing His LOVE for us! 


When our hearts long for our loved ones
we come to a place of surrender.
Our pride and stubbornness is laid down
so we can be reunited with those we love.

Our lack of peace is a good indicator
that we have gotten off the path and slipped
into our own ways of doing things, rather
than God's way.

It is not a matter of seeing eye to eye, 
but of forgiving and loving and accepting
that we have different feelings and different
perceptions, and to love in spite of that.

When we lay it all down before the King
we will surprisingly find that the answers 
were there all along.    One must let go in order
to know!    He IS forever faithful!  Selah.  

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Heart's Cry

What is your heart's cry?
How can you be made whole?
"Come to me..." the Messiah called.
For He IS making all things New!

Just like the baptismal waters
I have gone way down into the sea
but thankfully I have come up 
and I am risen with Him!  

When I've come to the top
I have journeyed through a difficult place,
but it is then that I realize it was for another;
I have been revived and it's purpose to pour out.

It is so sweet to identify with my Messiah's suffering,
though I have never shed my blood as He did.
I am reminded that it is because I am in Him,
that this is the road He traveled for my sake! 

There is no greater place to be than IN LOVE.
To love with His Love He has poured out in my heart.
He is the fuel within me, He is the Life within me,
and He goes before me and you to light the way.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Out of the Box

When pushed up against a wall, the true strength within us arises!  
I am willing to risk all approval of man to come into my own! 
For God's will for me is to be set FREE, healed, whole, and restored.

We need to cut off the shackles of the fear of man and run into our freedom.
For many of us it's a life and death situation having been in bondage to man for so long.  We need to fight for our liberation at all costs as this is our rightful inheritance!

It is God's will for us to be at peace within ourselves.   We must be true to whom
God has made us to be for His Glory and pleasure!     As difficult as it can be to
pursue and stay the course of our liberation, we must do it!    God wants us FREE!  

Saturday, February 7, 2015


There are some memories we shall never loose.
As the years march on, we have tucked away
special "pearls" that have left such an imprint.   

Though relationships fail and hearts have been
broken, these "treasures" remain.   Thank God
that we actually have experienced these moments.

So often we try to understand why we have had 
such crushed dreams, wasn't it God's will?   Why did we
have to endure such hellacious devastation?  

I don't understand, and maybe I never will.   All I 
can do is stay close to my God, and trust that He is 
my loving Father, Savior and Redeemer.  He knows best.

Monday, January 26, 2015


In this "rough and tough" world,  I am learning to appreciate my deep and meaningful relationships.   Knowing I can nestle into my close friends like a warm hug and "let my hair down"  is so very comforting. 

Our Father's will was never for us to walk alone on this journey called, "Life."
It is so vital for us to stay close to the ones who love us unconditionally like a mother's love.   

We can exhale the stress and burdens we have internalized and breathe in the newness of the Holy Spirit every moment of every day, though we often forget to.
We need to remember real "life" comes from the throne of God directly into us!  

Caring for our hearts is so critical and taking the time for "respite" whatever that looks like for each of us daily.   We have been instructed through the Holy Scriptures
to "guard our hearts, for it is the well-spring of life."    

Can we release those who don't understand us to God?   Can we bless them and pray for God's best for their lives?   Can we examine our selves to make sure there is no "evil" way in us, and allow God to lead us in His Way everlasting?    

Are we ready to do it God's way?  Have we come to the ends of ourselves?  Have we exhausted all of our own ideas and are surrendering our will to His?    How we come
into agreement with His best for our lives?    How we died to self to live for Him?