Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mountain tops

Every women wants a man to fight for her.
To be willing to leap over buildings, whether
it's in a single bound or not.    It's the effort 
that counts.    Putting his best leap forward.

When we "let -go", we shall truly see the will
of God for our lives.   Once we take our hands
off of His business, He can do His business for us.
He is faithful to the end.    Will we trust Him?

So many assets gained by waiting in the hours
of discipline.    Learning to rely on Daddy God
for His very best for us.    When we relinquish all
to Him, He is free to lavish us with His divine will.

When the voice rises up within us, that we have
to go after it, we need to shut it down immediately.
For that is the voice of interference and lies.
God can be trusted with our entire lives!   

Let us keep busy about our Father's business,
and in His time, He will bring about His ultimate
purpose for us.    He will not withhold any good thing
from His children.    He owns a cattle on a thousand hills!  

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